Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

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by Seekers

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Beauty of Freedom

Mythili Muralidharan

Pranaam to H H Maa Purnananda ji.

Hari Aum to everyone.

“Is Freedom Strength or Weakness” the inspiring talk by Maa ji on 27-08-23  was not only beautiful but also gave a different insight into the word “Freedom”. Maa ji started the talk with Gurudev ji’s simple but yet powerful statement on - What is freedom?

“NOT to do what you feel like doing, is freedom.”

If a nation or a person is ruled by some outsider, then we fight to free from that power. After freedom from outsiders, we have to follow the rules of our own government as a citizen or follow the household norms as a person. That is, we have to practice discipline, which is required to enjoy the freedom.

In Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta, Sree Bhagwaan explains all the secrets, challenges, obstacles, rules of the Supreme Reality to Arjuna and asks him to think before what he wants to do. That is, first we have to educate ourselves and then seek freedom.

Breaking laws, traditions, harming others, spreading negativity, grabbing power is not freedom. This kind of freedom is weakness and such a kind of society or a person cannot grow in the right way.

For freedom to become strength, the person has  to practice ‘discipline’, by first accepting law and order of the nation, norms of the household, practice the religion, traditions etc.

From the Spiritual point of view freedom means complete liberation – but from what? Our own weaknesses! We can imagine how much self-control is required to achieve that kind of freedom. Maa ji insisted, that this can happen by teaching Brahmacharya ashram to children, which make them better Grihastas and successful Vanaprasthas.

Maa ji concluded, for the freedom to become strength and to keep the humanity in harmony, celebrate all the festivals in the bonding of love & positivity and follow the traditions created by Sree Guru Parampara.

Hari Aum.