Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

YEAR 2025

YEAR 2024

YEAR 2023

YEAR 2022

YEAR 2021

Dharmam Chara!

Dubai (U.A.E)

Humble Prostrations at the Holy Feet of Revered Sree Guru Parampara.

December; a month of festivities, holidays, fun and frolic and as the year was about to end everyone was in a mood to relax and eager to welcome the new year. December 2022 was no different until we got a question from Pujya Maaji which was a new challenge for all of us. “Dharm is to be spread or is to be lived?” Many of us have asked this question individually or in different forums to Maaji and Maaji has very lovingly answered it each time, yet the question persists. All of us have thought about this at some point of time as we have a vague idea of ‘Dharm’ but are we right in our thinking or does it need any refinement? Maaji’s task made me put my thinking cap on and took me in the direction of all the texts we had learnt under Maa’s guidance. Finally, I took refuge in Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta. I think I found my answers as per my limited understanding but wasn’t sure whether it was in the right direction because every time, I read I got a new meaning to the same verse. I really wished to understand it better, and lo!! My prayers were answered when Chaitanya ji gave us the opportunity to get the answer from Maa.

The session took place online on Makar Sankranti day. What an auspicious day to get a drop of nectar to quench some of our spiritual thirst! To top it up, we got Maaji’s darshan.

A wonderful start to the year, day and session, I felt so blessed!

Maaji’s explanation to the question taught me the way to approach a question methodically, the systematic classification of Dharm at all the three levels gave a complete new dimension to the question’s answer. I got so many perspectives to look at all things. Swadharm is at 3 levels -Worldly level in terms of spreading traditions,

-Religious level and

-Spiritual level where It has only to be lived.

This has also taught me how to look at situations and deal with them accordingly. I will have to reorient myself to come out of my swabhaav, so as to come back to my Swaroop and for that Swadharm has to be understood and practiced.

I am completely blessed to be able to learn and study the scriptures at the Lotus Feet of Pujya Maaji. I have got this divine opportunity to convert this sacred knowledge into practice by living it and I want to make the most of it.

At the conclusion of every spiritual retreat we chant the ‘Shishyaanushasanam’ from Taittireeya Upanishad and today once again I take this vow after listening to Maa -

“Satyam Vada, Dharmam Chara”

Shatkoti Pranaams at the Lotus Feet of Pujya Maaji.

Heartfelt dhanyawaad to Chaitanya Ji for guiding us and encouraging us time and again and providing this conducive learning environment and making it all seem effortless, though huge amount of effort goes into it.

Humble Pranaam.