Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

YEAR 2025

YEAR 2024

YEAR 2023

YEAR 2022

YEAR 2021

Trust and Unshaken Faith in the Guru

Prema Kaliyan
London (U.K)

Hari Aum,

Humble prostrations at the Holy Feet of Sree Guru Parampara.

Having moved to London from Dubai in July 2021, one of our biggest fears was the ‘opportunity lost’ to see our beloved Guru Maa ji and seek Her blessings. Despite changing the geographical location, we were blessed for being able to continue Online Study Circle classes and attend the Call-Talks by Maaji. As a massive gift to our unshaken Faith and Prayers, we were informed about Maa ji’s visit to London in Sep 2022. We were short of words to express the excitement we felt as a family!

At an insightful Talk by Maaji (at Devyaniji and Vivekji’s house), as an answer to a query, Maaji stressed on the fundamentals of our Sanatan Dharm. Maaji emphasized that the foremost duty as parents is to pass on this treasure to the next generation. Parents must be a ‘role model’ by practicing the rituals as mentioned in the scriptures and should be disciplined to follow them in their day-to-day activities so that the children would imbibe the same into their lives later. This is the core of our Hindu Dharm, our culture. If we as parents do not follow the spiritual practices, we cannot expect our children to suddenly gain Faith in God or follow rituals or read scriptures with reverence.

Teaching the children, to hear the word ‘NO’ can prepare the children from any disappointment that life might offer. Young adults were blessed to get the blessings and guidance on how to make most out of their time and not go on the wrong path of unwanted addiction.

Our beloved Guru explained that the “purpose of life is not to engage only in daily mundane duties like taking care of family, raising kids etc. Returning to our True Nature is the key. Given the right temperature, the ice quickly returns to its true nature of water. So also, is the property of steam. In the similar way, this precious life as a ‘human being’ must be used appropriately and effectively to know and attain the Self. For this purpose, the able guidance of Guru is a prerequisite. With so much information available, it is very easy to get diverted or misinformed about the actual and true meaning of scriptures. Therefore, it is pivotal for us to follow the path of Guru Parampara and learn the scriptures with discipline.

We as a family - Pradeep, Swastika, Saanvika and myself were so blessed to receive Maa ji and Chaitanya ji at our home.

With the Grace of Guru Parampara, Maa ji initiated the Balsatya classes at our home. With the able guidance of Chaitanya ji, we will endeavor to conduct Balsatya classes with complete discipline and reverence to Sree Guru Parampara.

Seeking the blessings of Maa ji to stay put on this path to realize the Ultimate!!

Hari Aum.