Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

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Retreats - Always a Unique Experience

Sudha Bazaz
Chh. Sambhaji Nagar (Aurangabad)

Hari Aum!

My prostration at the Holy Feet of Sree Guru Parampara.

Retreat experience at SISS for spiritual growth is always a unique opportunity to connect with oneself and explore new paths of Spirituality. The environment, with its serene setting and daily rituals, provides a chance to slow down, reflect, and gain a deeper understanding of one's inner self.

“Thus Explains Sree Dattaatreya Guru…” was a one-day Retreat that started with meditation which helped me to connect with my body, mind, and soul. The text was a compilation of Shlokas from Mundakopanishad, Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta, Sreemad Bhaagwatam, Patanjali Yogasootra, Ashtaavakra Geeta, Vivek choodamani. Each shloka had a very deep import and a lot of take-away, but the one which I took this time for my contemplation was – as quoted in Sreemad Bhaagwatam - Just ‘one’ indriya can be sufficient to cause the death of a particular species, whereas human beings are continuously under the spell of all ‘five’ at a time! We indulge in the world like there is no tomorrow. We have to be extremely careful while being in this objective world. 

The day ended with Hymn chanting at Sree Ishwar Darshan temple and birthday celebration of Sree Chaitanyaji. There were few games which left everyone into splits of laughter. I always sense the joy with a difference, when any event is celebrated at SISS.

The following day was Sree Guru Purnima, the most auspicious day in a seeker's life. I was fortunate enough to offer my prayers at the Holy feet of Guru Parampara physically. After the morning meditation, we assembled for Sree Guru Paduka Puja. Pujas for me have always been a very significant symbol of invoking the Lord, as it involves all the 3 aspects of body, mind and intellect. And this time, to have been in the grace of the great Sadgurus, I was overwhelmed! Under the auspices of Maa, Puja was performed by Manishji.

A USB in the form of MP4 pendrive of ‘Ayodhya Kand’ was released for the benefit of all students pursuing studies, containing the pearls of wisdom spoken by Maa. A very thoughtful activity took place during the Rajopachaar, where we were all given diaries by Guru Maa, each with a Mantra in it. This Mantra now becomes the ‘Amrit Aushadhi’ for our Japa sadhana to elevate ourselves. In the day to day world too, it helps us deal with any situations that make us fall down due to our undue attachments.

Later in the day we performed Maa's Paad Puja followed by Samashti Bhiksha and seeking forgiveness for our mistakes. This too turned out to be so powerful that it held me in its fold for a very long time from then on.

Overall I must say, the stay and Retreat is a transformative experience that can bring clarity of mind, peace, and a renewed sense of purpose. For me it is a home away from home.

My gratitude for ever to Maa and Chaitanya ji for bringing me on to this sacred path.

Hari Aum.