Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

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Journey To Enlightenment!

Dubai (U.A.E)

"God, Guru & Grace" – So long I always understood that Guru is in the form of Grace Showered by God, but after listening to Maa ji’s divine words during the Online Call Talk on the topic above, my perspective has changed. It is much beyond my thinking! So, who is Guru? Guru is not any Physical Entity, He Is not an Individual, He is the presence!!!

Pujya Maa ji started with the beautiful Shiva Stuti from Sree Ram Charit Manas:

भवानी-शंकरौ वन्दे श्रद्धा-विश्वास रूपिणौ ।
याभ्यां विना न पश्यन्ति सिद्धा: स्वान्त:स्थमीश्वरम् ।।

Explaining all the 3 aspects God, Guru & Grace in One Shlok:

भवानी-शंकरौ वन्दे –

I bow to Maa Bhawani and Bhagwaan Sree Shankar – Lord Shiv is the Auspiciousness, the life spark in us and Sree Bhawani – is the expression of the same, the Shakti aspect of Lord Shiv, which in all becomes the God Aspect.

Then श्रद्धा-विश्वास रूपिणौ -

Sant Tulsidas ji says, I bow to Maa Bhawani and Bhagwaan Shankar, Who are like embodiment of Shraddha and Vishwas in us, Shraddha & Vishwas in The Guru and Shastra Vakyas, become the Guru Aspect.

Then comes Grace – याभ्यां विना न पश्यन्ति सिद्धा: स्वान्त:स्थमीश्वरम्

Even the Siddhas, the accomplished individuals, are also unable to see the true Self within themselves! Why? Because there is lack of Grace, lack of Shraddha and Vishwas in the Guru and Shastra Vakyas and because of which God cannot be seen even by accomplished individuals. This particular Dhyan Shloka cleared all the 3 aspects of the topic.

We must work hard on certain basic principles of life, or as per what the Scriptures have taught us. Then we get blessed or get His grace, only when we put efforts in righteous ways. Whatever I do in this world, it becomes Grace for me if It is on the basis of Dharm.

Now The Question is, how do I get that Grace? In the Guru Vedant Vakyas. It is not objectively available in the world, it is subjective. I will have to seek within myself; it is an inward journey, and there comes the role of Guru or Shastras. So we need the guidance to have that Grace. We need to have that Vishwas and Shraddha. Vishwas in What? And Shraddha towards Whom? To attain the Grace, we need to put belief not in the world, but in God. How do I do that? God is not tangible. I will have to find a way to put my belief in some-one who is neither in the world nor God. So here comes the importance of Guru. Guru is Someone, Who is greater and the remover of Ignorance. But do I believe that Guru is greater? That belief has to be there and the faith in that Guru will take me across the ocean of Samsara - my ignorance and take me to the source of Grace, so that I can be blessed by It. That kind of Faith has to be there in Guru.

Whats does the Guru do? He directs towards the path which takes me to Reality, which is my true Self - the Substratum of this world, the very source of Grace. So there has to be a goal where all my thoughts and actions will have to directed. That One Point is called God, That Light in Whose Light all is enlightened; to That I have to reach by holding on to the Guru with all Faith and Shraddha.

So God, Guru and Grace being one and the same SELF, yet at three different points, from different angles, I will have to understand them differently and accordingly I will have to tune up myself, to be graced to be eligible to get Guru. In-turn, He will guide me towards God, Who is the very Self in me, by Whose Grace, I got Guru.

In a nutshell it is like the same Light is called with 3 different names, from 3 different viewpoints, One becomes Grace in one place, the same Grace is Guru and the same Guru is God. So, it is me, who has to take one step forward with Shraddha and Vishwas, so that I can reach and re-orient myself away from the ignorance towards the Higher Self in me, Who is addressed as Shiva, Whose power is Bhawani.

We are so blessed and grateful to Pujya Guru Maaji for explaining these 3 powerful words God, Guru & Grace separately and differently. Sometimes Grace becomes very important to save ourselves from some unwanted situations. Sometimes guidance from Guru is important for us to lead a righteous life. Most of the time we are worshipping God for a purpose and so at that time God becomes important for us. I need to understand all as ONE, which we must invoke every time and all three are the essential aspects of our life. To come to that wholesome thought process, I must work upon myself as per the above Dhyan Shlok, with full Shraddha and Vishwas.

Every time we need to remember the three aspects together, to offer our prayers and invoke God, Guru and Grace within our hearts, to be blessed.

My Humble Prostrations at Holy Feet of the Revered Sree Guru Parampara!

Aum Tat Sat!
Jai Gurudev!