Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

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The Eternal Path of Sanaatan Dharm

Pradeep Unnikrishnan
London (UK)

Hari Aum!

Humble prostrations at the Holy Feet of Maa ji!

A Call Talk worth a million years of wait, and the clarity it brought was even greater!

Starting with the basic understanding of the words – Sanaatan Dharm, Maa ji explained that Sanaatan means Eternal and Dharm (as quoted in Mahabharat) is ‘Dhaaranaat Dharmam”. Dharm essentially means the capacity to hold - To hold, without distorting its Essential Aspect. This ability to uphold the Eternal and Indestructible aspect, the Supreme Reality, is the very essence of Dharm. Thus, the essence of Eternal Existence is encapsulated within Dharm's embrace.

Gratitude to Sree Guru Parampara!

The journey of exploring Sanaatan Dharm begins with a sense of gratitude towards Sree Guru Parampara, the lineage of spiritual teachers who have preserved and imparted this profound wisdom through generations. The Guru Parampara acts as a guiding light, leading seekers towards Self-Realization and the understanding of the Eternal Truth enshrined in the Vedas and other sacred texts.

Maa ji, in her loving and patient way, further explained -

‘The Fundamental Principles of Vedant’:

To comprehend the “Doctrine of Sanaatan Dharm”, one must delve into the fundamental principles of Vedant. Vedant forms the philosophical foundation of Hinduism, unraveling the nature of Reality and the Self. The three key principles of Vedant are,

1.Every effect has a cause,

2.Effect is nothing other than the cause, and

3.If the cause is removed, the effect cannot remain.

One has to pave the way for a deeper understanding of Eternal Reality and the transient world.

From the first principle, it is derived that the first cause is the Causeless Cause – The Eternal Reality!

The Cause, i.e., Maya is superimposed on Eternal Reality. Consequently, the effects of this cause are mere illusions, devoid of True substance.

Thus, it is my foremost duty towards Sanaatan Dharm to grasp and hold onto the idea that Brahman, the Eternal Reality, exists without modification and stands as the Causeless Cause! The superimposition of Maya, a veil of my own ignorance leads to failure to perceive that Ultimate Reality and prevents me from understanding the True Self. This very superimposition becomes the cause of the illusory world and its effects, which are nothing but manifestations of Maya.

Deep contemplation on the above will help me in understanding and absorbing the Doctrine of Sanaatan Dharm, that Maa ji went forth to explain.

The Law of Karm: Transmigration and Liberation:

The Law of Karm is a central tenet of Sanaatan Dharm. It encompasses the law of Cause and Effect, where one's actions lead to consequences in this life and subsequent lives. The cycle of transmigration, influenced by Karm, perpetuates the cycle of birth and death.

Maa ji enumerated the classification of Karm as prescribed by the scriptures - Nitya Karm (obligatory duties), Naimittika Karm (occasional duties), Kamya Karm (desire-driven actions), Vikarm (unrighteous actions due to errors of omission & commission), Nishiddh Karm (Forbidden Actions), and Akarm (action-lessness - non-attachment to the fruits of actions).

Understanding and practicing the Right actions, while practicing non-doer ship and non-enjoyer ship, selfless service, one can break free from this cycle and attain liberation.

Action based on Dharm leads to Moksh (Dharm, Arth, Kaam, Moksh).

The Doctrine of Incarnation: The Divine Intermediary:

As Eternal Reality is beyond direct comprehension, the doctrine of incarnation provides an intermediary to connect with the Divine. Avatars, Divine incarnations, represent the purest form of Maya (illusion) and offer the closest experience of Eternal Reality. Devotion and worship of these avatars elevate seekers on their Spiritual journey.

Reincarnation: The Journey of the Soul

The theory of reincarnation or punar janm elucidates the soul's journey through multiple lifetimes. Based on the law of Karm, the soul takes birth in various species and circumstances according to its actions and merits. The cycle of rebirth continues, until one transcends the karmic bondage through Self-Realization and Liberation.

Throughout the exploration of Sanaatan Dharm, the significance of Guru Parampara remains paramount. The Scriptures and sacred texts hold vast knowledge, but it is the Guru Parampara that illumines the seeker's path and brings the wisdom to life.

Sanaatan Dharm is a timeless and all-encompassing Spiritual philosophy that reveals the Eternal Truth of existence. By understanding and embracing the Laws of Karm, Incarnation, and Reincarnation, one can embark on a journey of Self-Realization and Liberation. Gratitude towards the Guru Parampara and devotion to the Divine play - an integral role in the pursuit of Spiritual growth. As individuals continue to explore the profound teachings of Sanaatan Dharm, they become part of an eternal tradition that has guided seekers for millennia, fostering inner peace, harmony, and spiritual evolution.

I humbly seek for forgiveness for any mistakes I may have made, driven by the weaknesses of my lower nature.

My sincere and reverent pranaam at the Holy feet of Maa ji

Hari Aum!