Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

YEAR 2025

YEAR 2024

YEAR 2023

YEAR 2022

YEAR 2021

Sree Ishwaraaya Namo Namo!!!

Riddhima Mahajan
(Age: 15 years)
Dubai (UAE)

Hari Aum!

November 15th 2024, the divine observation of Dev Deepawali took place at SISS, Noida, Delhi. This Retreat helped me understand the importance of Dev Deepawali and about Adhyaatmik Saadhna. I came across many different words, understood deeper meanings of just basic words like “Definition”. I experienced the beautiful Sree Ishwar Homam chanting from all the 4 Vedas followed by Sree Ishwar Maha Abhishekam. Sree Ishwar Maha Abhishekam takes place every year on Sree Kartik Purnima, at SISS. I was blessed to be able to attend and be part of this auspicious occasion.

After the Maha Abhishekam, Ananta and I offered Nritya-Upachar to Sree Ishwar. We both offered one prayer each and a prayer together.

We all were able to get a glimpse of Sree Ishwar Ashtakam written, composed and sung by Maa. The beautiful release of the Sree Ishwar Ashtakam was soothing and calming. I got a completely new perspective of Sree Ishwar, only because of Maa. I was blessed with the responsibility to serve Prasadam in the Annapurna Kshetra with my dear friend Ananta.

In the evening we got the opportunity to offer Sree Guru Paad Puja to Maa. I got the opportunity to chant the Shodashaupachaar Puja steps and was able to offer Raag Shankara at the Lotus Feet of revered Sree Guru Parampara.

The Deep Stambh lighting on the night of Sree Kartik Purnima was breath taking and insightful. The Deep Stambh has 3 Vaahans of Sree Ishwar; Hamsa Ji, Garud Ji and Nandishwar Ji.

Last time I came to SISS was for Maa’s Janma Jayanti 2 years ago in December. This time, just as I entered the premises, everyone was surprised to see how tall I have grown. They all welcomed me and made me feel one of them. But, Maa made me feel blessed and I was humbled to be in SISS. Manish uncle is one of the most fun person I have ever met. He welcomes everyone with a smile and makes everyone laugh and enjoy. Manish uncle always speaks very meaningful and knowledgeable words. He always makes me feel inspired and makes me realise that I should put myself out there and improve myself every time.

The 2nd day of the Retreat was very knowledgeable in a fun way. I learnt many new things about Adhyaatmik Saadhna like the Sree Geeta Mahayantra and the ‘Wheel of Action’ from Sreemad Bhagwad Geeta by Gurudev. I understood that the Geeta Mahayantra could help me connect to my true self. It was difficult to understand how and why everything is interconnected.

We played Sree Ram Charit Manas dumb charades depicting different scenes representing events from Ramayana which refreshed my mind about the great and holy Epic. I was also able to learn about Adhyaatmik Saadhna and how the Scriptures help us learn it. Then there was a drawing activity where everyone was supposed to draw, paint and make sculpture of their favourite God’s Vaahan. It brought out the artist in everyone and especially me (but not a very good one) but my imagination, stability and focus of mind was tested. I enjoyed it whole heartedly.

The Retreat was special to me, because of all the events and all the people, but mainly because of Maa, Manish uncle, Aadi and my dear friend Ananta.

I bow down to Sree Guru Parampara and to Sree Ishwar to bring me closer to Maa and SISS. I look forward to more Retreats in the future.

Humble Prostrations at the Lotus Feet of the Revered Sree Guru Parampara.

Humble Pranaams to Manish uncle.

Hari Aum.