Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

YEAR 2025

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YEAR 2021


Alpa Dani

Hari Aum!

Prostrations at the lotus feet of Maa and Pranaams to Manish ji.

It has been always wonderful listening to Maa and especially on the onset of various festivals and Religious practices. Maa’s guidance makes us understand each of our festivals in the right import and the logic and Religious spirit behind it. Equipped with what all needs to be done on that particular day viz. Chanting, Puja, Japam, Abhishekam and imbibing the qualities of the Deity, the festival becomes an opportunity to reinforce and take a step further, not limiting it to be a mere one more celebration.

Maa explained that on Maha Shivraatri we should pray to Lord Shiv ji to dissolve all unwanted things in us. To take away the poison of negativity around us, destroy the impact of our Gunas with Trishul and may we get purified with Ganga ji beheld by Lord. May we become dispassionate and thereby get evolved.

We should try to dissolve the identification with this falsehood, dissolve our past, having no regrets, as we cannot change it. Not hoping from future and holding and focusing on present, as also is explained by Bhagwaan Sree Krishna in Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta Chapter 3- Shloka 30. This is possible by doing japa, reading Scriptures and being aware all the times. Practice of self-denial and not suppression of mind, reject all thoughts which do lead us to our ultimate goal.

We all surrender to the Lord, may the Auspiciousness in us be invoked and we evolve from our Gunas,

Aum Namah Shivaay!