Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

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Why Exist in the Temporal - When it is Not Real!

Chh. Sambhaji Nagar (Aurangabad)

Hari Aum!

अज्ञान- तिमिरान्धस्य ज्ञानाञ्जन -शलाकया ।
चक्षुरुन्मीलितं  येन तस्मै श्री गुरवे नमः ।।

The above verse from Sree Guru Stotram, is so apt to understand the deep topic “The Transcendental v/s The Temporal” – an online Call Talk by H H Gurumaa, on the 25th of this month.

This Talk, at the onset of Sree Guru Purnima, re-enforces a seeker’s reverence, faith and devotion towards Sree Guru Parampara. It makes us realise, how profoundly the Seers and the Saints have contributed towards the inner evolution of mankind! Not only a common man, but a seeker too, so many times gets indulgent, engrossed and preoccupied into the temporal world. Sadly, we fail to acknowledge the permanent presence and eternal existence of The Transcendental, which is the Core of our very being. It is with the grace of Sree Guru Parampara, that this ignorance can be shed, and we come to understand the temporary existence of the temporal.

The temporal has always got its existence from the Transcendental, otherwise it does not exist. The Transcendental is all pervasive, universal, one without the second, Absolute Reality, where-as, the temporal is conditioned, individual, multiple, relatively real. Since reality is common to both and also because of our non-apprehension of our true Self, we have always mistaken temporal reality as the Absolute Reality.

Furthermore, in Transcendental Absolute Reality, there is Existence, Knowledge and Bliss. Ironically, in temporal reality, without acknowledging the Absolute Truth of the Transcendental, we strive for existence, try to gain knowledge of different kinds for the purpose of being blissfully happy, failing to understand the relativeness and futility of this temporal existence, knowledge and happiness.

The Scriptures have always clearly pointed out, that we are Sat-Chid-Anand Swaroop. Without That Existence, there can be no knowledge and happiness. So the fundamental effort will always be for existence. In the temporal, nothing is permanent or ever existent. It is always, at all times subject to change. Though we experience our temporary existence in the waking, dream, deep sleep states in alteration, the so called permanence of this relatively real world cannot be refuted! Thus we need to invoke the blessings of our Sadgurus, to bring ourselves to the clear understanding, that the temporal is dependent on the Absolute, but the Absolute Existence is not dependent on the temporal. In the quest to understand this aspect of our Absolute Existence, the seeker is inspired to seek the Absolute Knowledge. This ultimately leads us towards our Spiritual pursuit (Adhyatmik Sadhana).

If we undertake the Spiritual pursuits just to maintain and enhance the luxuries and happiness of temporal living, then we cannot reach the righteous living. Even The Shastras condemn those who want to exist, gain knowledge and be happy by any means as such. Therefore, cultivating virtues becomes imminent, so that we are saved from the false, temporary existence, knowledge and happiness, which is contrary to our Transcendental Core.

It is called Transcendental, because we transcend in our evolution towards our awareness of our true nature, that is, our Sat-Chid-Anand Swaroop.

Chapter 15 of Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta explains the temporal (Kshara Purush), the Transcendental (Uttam Purush) and the link between the two (Akshar Purush) - the mortal, Absolute and Immortal respectively.

The existence of Kshara Purush and Akshara Purush, is dependent on the Absolute Existence, The Uttam Purush - The Transcendental.

With adhyatmik sadhana, each seeker needs to transcend and come to the Absolute Reality - The Supreme Brahman.

With the blessings of Sree Guru Parampara, we are reminded to hold on to the righteous, leaving behind the duality of right and wrong. To live a life-divine and to continue the Spiritual pursuits unfailingly till the goal is reached, is the core teaching of the great Seers.

With the grace and blessings of Sree Guru Parampara, we can aspire to transcend the temporal and strive intensely for the Transcendental Absolute Reality, with complete focus and sincerity.

Hari Aum!