Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

YEAR 2025

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YEAR 2022

YEAR 2021

Sree Ram Navami Puja at SISS

Delhi NCR

Hari Aum!

Humble prostrations at the holy feet of Sree Guru Parampara and Guru Maa. We, the devotees of the Delhi NCR Study circle had the blessed opportunity to perform Sree Ram Navami Puja in the serene and holy premises of SISS on 10th April. According to Maaji, “The high Morals and Ethics lived and demonstrated by Lord Sree Ram are to be faithfully practised by every devotee of Sree Ram to re-establish Ram Rajya”.

Bhagwan Sree Ram represents the Sthitapragnya, the steadfast one, exemplifying poise and patience. He is God – incarnate who had come to establish Dharma and Ram Rajya, a moral and righteous world order. Sree Ram is ‘Maryada Purushottam’, upholding the path of Dharma and Karma, the path of duty, above all other virtues.

We started our puja by going to Sree Ishwara Darshan temple to offer our prayers at the Holy Feet of Sree Ishwara . We offered our Shodashopachaar Puja in the benign presence of Manish ji. The altar of the Lord, along with Maa Saraswati, Maa Lakshmi and Maa Durga was beautifully decorated with flowers. As part of Rajopachaar, Sree Ram bhajans filled the air with love and devotion. While bowing down hundred times with the name of the Lord with the chanting of Sree Ramashtottarashata-namavali, we sought His blessings to guide us through the path of Truth.

As a seeker, it reminded me to follow the righteous path as shown by Lord Sree Ram, to be patient in all situations of life, to be dutiful and embrace all good virtues. My heartfelt gratitude to Maa ji for her constant guidance in my spiritual journey.

Hari Aum!