Hari Aum!
As we grow, the complete education, grooming, culture is toward making something out of our lives. Study well, make a good career, be helpful to people around, run behind your passions, go through competitions, secure the gold medal, earn well, and so on… chasing and forever praying for “Kirti, Kamini, Kanchan”. When we become old, we start praying the same for our children! The chase will not end with the end of this mortal coil but, continue in the next body form that I will take, and so on…
Sree Adi Shankaracharya ji’s verse from ‘Moha Mudgar’ echoes in my ears every night as I sit for introspection:
पुनरपि जननं पुनरपि मरणं पुनरपि जननीजठरे शयनम् ।
इह संसारे बहुदुस्तारे कृपायाऽपारे पाहि मुरारे ॥
भज गोविन्दं भज गोविन्दं गोविन्दं भज मूढमते ।
The first line alerts me of the vicious cycle.
With the second line, I pray for Liberation (from this ocean of sansaar).
And the third line repetitively tells me “How to accomplish it” – by taking His name!
My humble pranaam to Maa, to SISS, for bringing me to the Holy Altar of Sree Guru Parampara where my ears could listen to the words of wisdom of the revered Saints and reorient me from the thoughts of the constantly changing, to a hope and prayer to seek the “CHANGELESS”! Such is the grace of a Gu- Ru, the dispeller of darkness, to show the path to Illumination, by first making me realize that this is only falsehood, complete ignorance that I am living in.
The path to the Self, as taught by Bhagwaan Sree Krishna to Arjun ji is through Karm Yog, Dhyaan Yog, Bhakti Yog and Gnyaan Yog. The four words (Karm, Dhyaan, Bhakti, Gnyaan) will remain empty terminologies unless there is “Yog”, which is the connecting factor to the Self. With the grace of Guru, I today realize that I need to understand the secret of this “Yog” (by regular Shravanam of Guru’s discourses), contemplate upon them with Their grace (by attempting mananam), and sincerely and consistently try to implement each in my everyday life in thoughts, words, and deeds (abhyaas).
Eons have probably gone by, and I don’t know how many births are yet to go. The classification of one lifetime in different ashrams - Brahmacharya, Grihasta, Vaanprasth, Sanyaas makes one travel the journey of life following the path of Dharm, on the quest to one’s Swaroop. In my humble understanding, this should ideally be my broad accomplishment plan. At present I feel inadequate for it, for the baggage of attachments, doer-ship and enjoyer-ship that I carry with me. I pray at the Altar of Sree Ishwar to give me the strength, and promise to practise methods of Puja, Japa, Dhyaan sadhana, and other tools to purify my inner equipment; all learnt at the Feet of the Guru.
At present, with my limited understanding of the profound teachings of Guru Maa, in all humility, I aspire to be steady on this path by trying to assimilate the teachings of Her Holiness and be connected to the Divine at every waking moment by:
Regular Shravan of scriptures and prayer at the Altar in the morning and evening;
Constant remembrance to myself that I am only an instrument in the hand of God;
Increasing the times spent in quietude and solitude;
Attempting to keep the mental agitations and fears away by Japa of His name.
Introspection and Kshama yaachna at night.
There are many sacred prescriptions to Self-Realization given in the Scriptures - the Ashtaang Yog by Rishi Patanjali, Navadha Bhakti in Sree Ram Charit Manas, are some of the very few that I am aware of. But how will I accomplish my goal? The answer that comes from within is to simply surrender at the Holy Altar of Sree Guru Parampara!
Bhagwaan Sree Krishna tells Arjun ji in the 18th chapter of Sreemad Bhagwad Geeta,
सर्वधर्मान्परितज्य मामेकं शरणं व्रज ।
अहं त्वा सर्वपापेभ्यो मोक्षयिष्यामि मा शुचः ॥६६॥
Humble gratitude and prayers at the Holy Feet of Guru Maa, I humbly bow down to Her to have gone through this answer and seek forgiveness for my limitations and errors in thought process and expression.
Humble prostrations at the Holy Altar of Sree Guru Parampara,
Natmastak and gratitude to the Holy land of SISS.

Aditi Someshwar
Aurangabad (CSN)
Hari Aum, Maa! My humble prostrations at the Holy and Lotus feet!
At the outset, I seek forgiveness for any errors I might have committed un-knowingly and in ignorance, as I tried to make a sincere effort to pen down my thoughts on the subject. Once again, I sincerely apologize for this long write-up, yet for which I am unable to explain my understanding of the subject.
I think that the purpose of one’s life can vary from person to person, and can change over time. It could also be the main reason that motivates one, and can guide the decisions, giving a sense of direction. For some, the purpose of life eventually boils down to seeking peace and happiness, and not realizing that what we seek, does not lie outside, but within us – our own infinite potential that we live with every day, but are oblivious towards it. For others, the purpose could lie in their responsibilities to the family and friends. Some seek the meaning through spirituality or religious beliefs, while some people may find the purpose clearly expressed in all of the above. However, under the guidance of Maa, I will go with what the Scriptures tell us - that the main purpose of life is to evolve during my life-time, because that is consistent with the evolutionary purpose, and the greater purpose of life being to discover one’s Divine essence.
With my limited knowledge on the subject, I wish to state that for me, Sree Nandi ji (Vaahan of Lord Shiv ji), holds deep symbolic significance. The importance of emulating Sree Nandi ji’s attitude of eternal devotion, dhyaan (contemplation and meditation), love and eternal wait towards the Supreme is yet another source of inspiration for me in my self-evolution. As I understand, according to our Hindu Scriptures, the ‘Ling’ symbolizes the Supreme God while Sree Nandi ji symbolizes the individual soul and is symbolic of merging of the jeevaatm with Paramaatm.
More importantly, one can find the purpose of life through introspection and meditation, by studying Scriptures, following the guidance of the Guru with un-flinching faith, by living the life with purity, strength, discipline, honesty, kindness, integrity, etc. and always remembering the eternal connection with the Supreme.
According to my limited knowledge on the subject, I am born again and again because of my un-fulfilled desires and so that I may attain perfection of the soul and then at some point of time merge with the Lord. Since the soul carries one’s karm, the actions from one’s past life create the present fate, and one’s current actions will give birth to one’s future destiny in the forth-coming life times. Can it be said that, “we did not choose our birth, but we can certainly choose our Moksh”. Therefore, the purpose of one’s life is to realize and manifest one’s Divinity or one’s True Nature.
Maa, most humbly I seek Your guidance to a question which comes to mind again and again is, “what have I done with my life so far?” According to my limited knowledge on the subject, I feel that this question in itself is a sure step towards gaining clarity and the correct perspective on the necessary actions as I go forward towards achieving my goal in life. As an analogy, it can also be said that inside the un-cut diamond of one’s life lies the brilliance of wisdom, bliss and immortality. With the tools of right knowledge and unflagging determination, one has only to cut the diamond on all sides, (all aspects of our life), such that the diamond shines forth to radiate light and beauty all around.
Further, I also feel that the purpose of life is to discover one’s true identity and realize one’s full spiritual nature. One can achieve this by silencing the inner mind through study of Scriptures, meditation, contemplation and worship. Detachment from one’s ego and ego-centric desires, should be practiced and mastered.
Maa, I would like to humbly admit that it is only with Your guidance, that I am trying to understand the meaning and purpose of my life and how I should achieve it, as I request Your continued blessings.

Forever at Your Holy and Lotus feet Maa, and always seeking Your blessings and guidance!
Hari Aum!
Hari Aum Maa!
‘Satchidanand Swaroop’ is what we are! But, Maa we have started recognizing ourselves as our body with a name. So our main purpose is to recognize our true Self. This inner subjective process, Self-discovery, coming to recognize one’s own Self as one’s own true nature is the purpose.
Everyone's purpose in life eventually boils down to seeking peace and happiness. And what we seek doesn't lie outside, but within us, our own infinite potential that we live with every day but are oblivious towards. We have not tried to reach out and wake up into that state of Pure Consciousness.
On any given day, our mind is persistently planning for a future that we know nothing about. We live in fear of tomorrow, and plan for it rather optimistically, knowing fully well that it is impermanent. We are always trying to be greater or bigger, not realizing that to be infinite is our nature. While living up to our potential, we feel fulfilled and happy. So, if we discover our infinite nature, then we will surely encounter bliss. In short, the true purpose of life becomes to discover ourselves.
Each one of us is infinite, yet each is also unique. Our seers and Rishis point us towards the highest goal there can be – to aspire to be our own infinite nature. Throughout the Scriptures too, the infinite nature of a human being has been highlighted to comprehend the very purpose of life.
Maa, my aim is to remember that I am Supreme Consciousness, that Unchangeable. I don’t want to keep identifying myself with all the happenings around instead watch it as a leela. Get out of this dream and wake up to that Truth. Though the world does not vanish, but to look at it differently. Remember to be akarta, abhokta. All the sorrow is because I want, I do, I prefer, all the time I… I… I…
I have to remember that I have a body, and that I am not the body. This body has a destiny and that it is not my destiny. I would like to stand apart and see. This spring of Consciousness which is the One Life everywhere, manifesting through our minds and bodies, is the Goal. But as soon as I am away from this Gnyaan, which is most of the time; this unreal world seems so real that all Real is forgotten and this small “I” becomes important. It starts seeming very difficult.
Emotional well-being - understanding and cultivating it, is the aim. Sometimes I feel I know, then why do I forget and that is the time I feel I don’t know only. I hope I am able to convey Maa.
Please forgive for my mistakes in this process.
Lots of love and regards

Mamta Bagla
Aurangabad (CSN)
My Humble Pranaam to Maa ji and Manish ji,
"What is the purpose of your life & explain how do you accomplish it?"
On the onset of my spiritual journey, which has commenced recently, after I joined SISS, I would like to present my understanding on the study question.
a) Spiritual Enlightenment - To develop myself spiritually by reading Scriptures and understanding them. Imbibing the learnings from reading the commentary on Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta by Gurudev Sree Swami Chinmayananda ji and listening to the recorded commentary by Pujya Guru Maa ji, thus changing and adapting my way of living as per the guiding light shown by HH Guru Maa ji. I have come to understand that true happiness can only be found by understanding one's self and connecting with the Divine within.
b) Happiness in family or relationships - It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to make some difference to my life that I have lived and lived well. However, the true purpose is about recognizing my own qualities and using them to contribute to the world— helping friends solve problems, or simply bringing more joy into the lives of those around me.
c) Good Karm – By good actions and deeds.

Kind Regards,
Hari Aum!
Neena Kapur
Noida (NCR)
Hari Aum!
Humble prostrations at Your Holy Feet Maa!
Life is a journey; the journey of the soul.
As I grew up, the purpose of life never crossed my mind. It was always about short term goals. As guided by parents in the school going years, the goal was only to study and get good marks year after year. Once in high school the goal was to get into a good college. Once nearing the completion of college, the goal was to get a good job. But as my parents made the decision for me to get into the institution of marriage, the goal changed to being a householder. Then the journey of a householder began full of ups and downs, joys and sorrows, love and hatred and so on… until one fine day, I fortunately entered the pious SISS and met my Sadguru.

Under the shelter and guidance of Pujya Maa Purnananda ji, I came to know that as a human being, I have got the ability of logical and rational thinking, so it becomes my responsibility to apply this unique ability wisely while conducting this precious journey. No journey is to be taken up without a purpose, a goal or a set destination. Therefore, I need to learn the beneficial way of this journey called 'Life'. I learnt that to commence on an internal Spiritual journey, I need to prepare my mind well by guiding it to think more of the inner Self and train it to indulge least in the world. I learnt that all this while, I have been living in ignorance of my real nature. As I thought of myself to be a body with a soul, because of complete identification with the body and mind. Thus commenced my spiritual journey under the shelter of my Sadguru Maa ji.
Now, I have a purpose in my life, that is to understand that the joy in the world is impermanent and incomplete and my true nature is ‘Infinite’. I need to discover my Infinite nature to attain ultimate happiness. Inside the uncut diamond of my life lies the brilliance of wisdom, bliss and immortality. With the tools of right knowledge and unflinching conviction, I only have to cut the diamond, on all sides, all aspects of my life, such that it shines forth to radiate light and beauty all around.
To achieve this Highest goal, I have to work upon my 'Antahkaran shuddhi', for which-
1. I have to surrender at the Holy Feet of Sree Guru Parampara and my Sadguru Pujya Maa ji.
2. I have to put complete faith in the Scriptures and do Swadhyay daily.
3. I have to practice Sree Ishwar Puja and Upasana, to control my scattered mind.
4. I have to practice Dhyaan Saadhna to cultivate the focus of mind.
5. I have to perform Karm Yog with the attitude that I am neither the doer nor the enjoyer of the fruits of my action.
6. I must do introspection and seek forgiveness every night.
7. I should live uncompromisingly, the life of ‘good’ and not the life of ‘pleasant’, to have a fulfilled life.
8. I have to purify my mind from the influences of rajas and tamas, and make it more Saatvik.
9. I have to liquidate my ego, by constantly being a worthy instrument in the hands of Sree Ishwar.
10. I have to understand the impermanence around and that everything is transient.
Though the list of practices is endless, these are the few which I have to adopt and make them an integral part of my life, to live a life of higher values of Truth, Non-violence and Self-control.
I will have to steer my ship of life with faith and devotion towards the Scriptures and the Holy Feet of Sree Guru Parampara, until I attain the higher state of peace & perfection.
As Pujya Maa ji quotes, "When the ultimate Goal is Self-Realization, life itself becomes a 'Pilgrimage'.”
Pujya Maa ji, kindly accept me under Your benign and benevolent shelter, as only under the Grace and blessings of Sree Guru Parampara, I can strive for self-evolution.
I seek forgiveness for the errors made due to my limited understanding.
Pranaam at Your Lotus Feet! Hari Aum!
Noida (NCR)
Hari Aum!
Prostrations at the Holy Feet of Sree Guru Parampara!
LIFE as it unfolds has many dimensions and as this journey continues, it is a process of self-learning. After accomplishing in the past so called successes in the objective world, which was a key focus, I got curious to know what my respected principal wrote to me when I was passing college with an Engineering degree to explore the world.
He wrote two words – “Know Thyself!”
It was a mechanical way to accomplish materialistic possessions. However, the happiness gained was transitory and to have more & more was the key goal during this phase of knowing yourself. I kept steady in acquiring worldly things with hard work & righteousness without any deviations.
The path taken by my respected parents when they retired and came to Dehradun to learn the Scriptures was a key turning point in the year 2002. However, still busy with supporting family & accomplishing so called duties & success in the world was not giving a purpose to my Life!
The journey of Life as was passing by, had big changes which started with Divine Grace in 2015, after I got formally connected with SISS and the teachings of Scriptures through the teachings imparted by H H Guru Maa ji. This has enabled me to have a long term purpose of myself, both in the current way I interact with the world and also look within to unveil my true self with awareness.
The teachings which come by reading the Scriptures have been giving me a purpose to systematically imbibe them into my daily routine. This looks to be a process which is cyclic & also requires more discipline & introspection on a daily basis. With Nidhi ji as my partner also on this path, I feel blessed to have the opportunity to grow on this path by de-learning & imbibing discipline in my activities on a daily basis!
I do have a resolve to myself to have the realization of the intrinsic wealth which I always had, but was masked due to the worldly temptations & momentary pleasures.
Praying & looking inward on a daily basis has been my key focus for many months with clarity on my duties & also the elements of right living at the physical, mental & intellectual level. As the days, months & years pass by, I am confident that this path I have chosen would help me in removing my ignorance and will give me permanent fulfilment, contentment and bliss.
With this resolve, I would walk on the path of Spirituality and would distinguish between the Real & the unreal. Though I have started walking this ‘Journey of A Thousand Miles’, I have however taken only a few baby steps with the blessings of the Sree Guru Parampara and blessings of my respected Guru & parents.

Hari Aum!
Noida (NCR)
Hari Aum!
My purpose of life is to understand the truth behind this Creation. From early childhood nature has fascinated me and I was getting explanation of this objective world through science and mathematics. But soon realized this explanation is limited and not fully explained.
When I got an introduction to Vedant philosophy, I found it is the ultimate science that explains the creation as well as who I am. Actual science is subjective, not objective. Then subjective science and realization of the ultimate truth and knowledge became my purpose of life.

To accomplish it, I took shelter of SISS and got blessings of Pujya Maa ji. To achieve my goal, I do not know is possible in this birth or not. But by taking shelter, and working hard in the way shown by Pujya Guru Maa, I am sure that I am progressing towards the goal. I have left it to my Sadguru and Sree Guru Parampara to grace me with the ultimate knowledge if I deserve to get it.
Hari Aum!
Noida (NCR)
Hari Aum!
In this ever-changing world the ‘objective purpose’ has also been continually changing. As soon as one’s purpose gets accomplished, the new purposes have always been waiting in parallel. Having been born as an eldest son in a noble family with meagre means for living, the prime focus always remained to improve the economic condition for fulfilling the basic aspirations of overall well-being in the family. In the course of time through dedicated efforts and with Divine blessings all basic human needs could be accomplished. There has been a sense of fulfilment as the modest ascent was through rightful means. The desires for sensory enjoyments were also further kindled with the increasing available means.
The saving grace has however been from the Saints & Sages and the learnings from the Scriptures (Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta, Sree Ramcharitmanas, Tattva-Bodh, Aatm Bodh, Vivek-Chudamani and some of the major & minor Upanishads).

At least one crucial point became clear that this world (the way it is being experienced by me) is unreal. There was never a time when I was not there. There will never be a time when I will not be there. I must therefore identify with this eternal presence of mine. And in order to achieve a state of full realization of the All-Pervasive Supreme Reality, I must go through Ishwar bhakti only.
May my mind be ever filled with the joy of Sree Ram naam! Aum Tat Sat!
Noida (NCR)
Hari Aum!
With deep reverence and humility, I submit this offering for guidance from the esteemed Guru Parampara through my Guru. May Their wisdom illuminate my path.
- Purpose of Life -
- Samatvam: Inner Peace, Wisdom, Equanimity.
- Not Focused On:
- Lok Siddhi: External Success or Career Goals.
- Means to Achieve Purpose -
- Sadguru Sharanam (Seeking refuge in Sree Guru Parampara)
- Adhyatm Vikas (Spiritual Growth).
- Aatm Vikas (Self Unfoldment)
- Shravana (Listening)
- Manana (Reflection)
- Nidhidhyaasan (Contemplation)
- Vairagya (Detachment)
- Letting go of external expectations and desires.
- Sama (Equanimity)
- Focus on maintaining balance and tranquillity.
- Tapas (The Commitment to Austerity and Discipline)
- Guiding force in our journey through SISS, i.e., SISS (Shauch, Ishwar Pranidhaan, Santosh, Swadhyay).

In sincere devotion, remaining Your humble disciple.
Hari Aum!
Rajib Phukan,
Assam, Golaghat
Pranaam Maa!
Humble Prostrations at The Holy Feet!
Maa, I am fortunate to have come under the shelter of Sree Guru Parampara and it gives me complete happiness to be here. I am also fortunate to be born in a family where I could worship and stay connected with God. When I was small, my parents had put a picture in my room of Bal Sree Krishna beautifully adorned with jewels and happily eating maakhan with small little hands making a round ball out of it coming out from the matki. I grew up looking at this beautiful image and found my solace here.
How to live life guided by the Scriptures not only gave me the direction but also showed the purpose of human life, as to how I can inculcate my Love for God within, who is the Absolute Existence and the ultimate Source of happiness. All the treasures in the form of virtues are within me; Daivi and Asuri vrittis are in me only, and what is to be invoked depends on me alone. World has a magnetic pull, it is at that time one must keep the focus upon the Divine Self and inculcate daily practices of Japa, Dhyaan and Puja. All this should be effortless; till then I have to put efforts in the right way. This world is the creation of my own imagination, and my daily practices should help me transform my imagination into my intense love for the Divine which is in me. I have to part ways with past ways of social thinking and constantly remind myself to be worshipful towards the Divine Self. Actions are inevitable, and through the actions itself one can carve the spiritual path while being in constant remembrance of the Divine.
For me continuous playing of Sree Kaliyug Mahamantra is very helpful. To overcome my own weaknesses there is superimposition of a positive thought which comes through the reading of the Scriptures. This helps to keep my mind peaceful. For example, telling myself to be less reactive; to be able to reject the bad quality and not the person. I should enhance my good qualities; my actions should help me to evolve and not get involved in the world. Procrastinating is not good; hence it has to be avoided as it deviates me from the purpose.
All these thoughts help me to pull out myself from challenging situations, so that I can keep myself calm, to be able to keep my focus on my activity and my daily remembrance of the Lord. But most of the times Maa, I do get caught up in the rut of life and am unable to read or do Dhyaan and Puja. It is at that time when I listen to the Discourses, Bhajans and Stotras.

The learning is a process, and it continues under Your Guidance Maa.
Gratitude at The Holy Feet of Sree Guru Parampara.
Hari Aum!
Faridabad (NCR)
Hari Aum!
Purpose of life for me in simple words is to put my life on righteous track! It’s tough to define purpose of life. What I feel is, life is very simple, but we make it complicated, mysterious, by our own Gunas. It is me who made it complicated because of my own Rajasik tendencies and the Guna. To be honest with You Maa ji, even after going through the tough challenging phase of my life, I have not yet brought myself close to introspecting about the real purpose of life so far; till the time this question of the month came as eye opener for me!
Life so far has been like a machine - working day-in and day-out, running around family, earning, fending, achieving worldly goals, like having best of things. In spite of achieving worldly goals and doing well, actually speaking I was not living life peacefully. I was under tremendous pressure always to perform and maintain the same standard of living. While performing those activities, when I succumbed to manipulation - I did not even realize and I was pushed away from my true Self! I got lost completely in the maze of mysterious plays of my own actions and my own Rajasik Gunas.
In spite of all this, something great happened to me! By the Grace of God, and by the Grace of our Param Gurudev we met You Maa ji, and there started the real ‘Life’ I could say. That’s the point where I started living life graciously.

We have gone through many ups and downs, going through the challenging phases of life, but without diverting our minds in the wrong way. Holding on to Your guidance and learning, made me more grounded. Firm in Your teachings; really helped me live a worthy life. The Scriptural ordinances and Your teachings have been playing a big role in my life as a ‘light house’ to live an accomplished life on the basis of Dharm and Righteousness.
When I close my eyes there are 2 Mantras which come to my mind:
ॐ असतो मा सद्गमय । तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय । मृत्योर्माSमृतं गमय ।।
This Sadgati aspect of life is what I keep pondering upon throughout, whenever I do any work. When I depart, my tendency will decide my gati - where I will go. I am trying to be very careful and trying to enhance the Sattva aspect in me. I am trying not to succumb to my Rajas and Tamas. I am sincerely thankful to You Maa ji and Manish ji for the Call Talks, Q/A sessions, Question of the month - it is helping me to be on this sacred path.
Our Life is based on 4 pillars of Purushaarth-s - Dharm, Arth, Kaam, and Moksh. “जो कर्म हम कर रहे हैं, क्या वह कर्म हमें सही अर्थ की प्राप्ति की ओर ले जा रहा है? या हमें मोक्ष की ओर ले जा रहा है? यह सवाल हमें कोई भी कर्म करते समय अपने आप से पूछना चाहिए.”
This is always going on at the back of my mind every time. Thanks to Manish ji for his Q&A sessions. He beautifully explained the answer to my question once on ‘How to live life as per Scriptural ordinance in spite of being in vyavasaya?’
Another Divine Mantra which comes to my mind is:
ॐ भद्रं कर्णेभिः शृणुयाम देवाः। भद्रं पश्येमाक्षभिर्यजत्राः।
स्थिरैरङ्गै स्तुष्टुवां सस्तनूभिः । व्यशेम देवहितं यदायुः।।
Oh Lord, may I be blessed with healthy body. A well-nourished physical body for what? For whatever life span – आयु: I have got, may that be used to serve, to do activities which will help me to enhance divinity in me, to take me closer to my True Self - देवहितं. If it is not enhancing more and more divinity within myself then it is worthless indeed! It is ‘Life’ when it is devoted to God and is centered in Him alone. The life which is going around the ephemeral objects is no life at all!
I think one must introspect on one simple question, “I love God, but does He love me?” Are my actions in line with the Scriptural ordinances? Am I following the instruction of my revered Guru? This is where I humbly request You Maa ji, for Your continuous guidance and support to not let me deviate from this Divine Path.
Life is nothing but Activity - a transaction between the Senses and the Objects. The Ultimate purpose of life is to get back to our True Self. But we cannot live without activity and sometimes we get engrossed so much into the daily mundane of life that we actually forget the real purpose of life. We are under the sway of the play of our gunas due to which we remain and behave like a layman in this world. I would like to confess today Maa ji, I am really feeling that I am betraying my true SELF, I am betraying You Maa ji! I acknowledge the selfless efforts put in by You and Manish ji and I am not justifying to live as per Your teachings. The intensity is missing Maa ji. I genuinely want to live as per Your teachings and I am putting my best efforts. But without Your grace and guidance it is impossible Maa ji. I really humbly pray at Your Lotus Feet to shower that Grace and Blessings on me always Maa ji; without which, life can get animalistic and nothing good can happen!
I just pray humbly at the Lotus Feet of revered Sree Guru Parampara to accept all my shortcomings and bless me with steady wisdom. May I be deeply rooted in the SELF always.
Koti Koti Pranaams Maa ji at Your Lotus Feet!
Aum Tat Sat!
Dubai (U.A.E)
My Pranaam at the Holy Feet of Guru Maa,
My pranaam to Chaitanya ji.
Even after so many years of seeking the grace of the spiritual path, my ignorance and my strong hold on to this ignorance still comes in the way. A lot has been imparted to me by Guru Maa and Chaitanya ji and till today I pray to be worthy of what they have given me. The goal that they show is at present very far for me in my present limitations. Hence in my shortsightedness, I feel that if I am able to imbibe and “live” even 1/10th of what I have learnt so far, it would be some goal achieved.
To perform my daily duties in my current field by bringing my mind to work selflessly and keep it in the thought of Lord constantly, by letting every intent touch His feet before it is let out. I pray to live in awareness and may I think and perform every action in awareness and may that thought and action always be a pure one.
I value my association with the Divinity of SISS in this life and pray to imbibe the Holy teachings.

Hari Aum Tat Sat!
Shikha Tulshan
Aurangabad (CSN)
Hari Aum!
The purpose of my life is “Self-evolution”. Man is the supreme-most creation in the living kingdom, because of his rational capabilities. So long as I do not assert this special equipment, I cannot claim my heritage as man!
“Change of vision” is the remedy recommended by all Masters of Truth to look at the objective world of things and beings. It is my utmost duty to change my antahkaran to live a life Divine. My attempt is to make changes while performing the actions as enshrined in the Scriptures, so as to ensure spiritual progress in the future births. My karm-s play the most important role in accomplishing my purpose of life. I have to be righteous, upright, serve others in the selfless spirit and thus serve Him, who is the One Effulgent Truth behind all the world panorama. My “ego” plays obstacle in all my actions. It is impossible in this plane of existence to eliminate it. It can only be sublimated by divinising it. As Gurudev says, “I try to substitute the I and My bhavna by ‘Ishwar Bhavna’.”
In my spiritual endeavour, to understand my true Self, I have to purify my antahkaran. The path showed by my revered Guru plays a pivotal role. Shodash- Upachaar Puja, daily prayers, by understanding the importance of keeping upavaas on important occasions help in keeping myself anchored to the Divine. I try to minimise my wrong vasanas by practicing self-control, doing Japa and chanting the Guru–Mantra. Good thoughts add to my thought process. I do self-study of the Scriptures and try to imbibe the principles in my daily life. Listening to Mata ji’s bhajans, videos and discourses and doing manan on those lines make my mind introverted.
Worry, anxiety, desire, selfishness, jealousy, hatred make a deep route in me. The objective of my spiritual progress is to lessen the agitation of my mind and make it peaceful. I understand that the tenants of Vedaant are not merely to be studied and understood, but also to be practised and lived. I quote myself certain verses of Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta, which help in guiding my intellect in proper direction. I feel myself truly blessed to be worthy of Mata ji’s initiation. The purpose of my life would not have its proper meaning without the blessings of Maa. Taking shelter at the feet of Sree Guru Parampara has been the guiding force in making my life truly blissful.

Maa’s teaching of continuous and unbroken God remembrance and intelligent detachment, purity in thought and action, regular in introspection and meditation, remaining alert and cheerful, Her belief in a big heart and charity remain as true milestone in helping me in making my life purposeful.
Hari Aum!
Noida (NCR)
Hari Aum
Humble Pranaams at the Holy Altar of the Guru Parampara.
Humble Pranaams at Mata ji’s Lotus Feet.
Humble Pranaams to Manish Bhaiya.
Study question of the month of November’24:
“What is the purpose of your life & explain how do you accomplish it?”
Hari Aum!
Living a saadhak life (to some extent) has completely changed the perception and purpose of life and living. The intent and content of life takes a completely different dimension for a soul who has embarked his/her journey towards the Real Purpose!
For me the Highest Purpose of life is attaining my True Self, my own Satchidaanand Swaroop.
With years of learning the Scriptures; trying to understand them under the guidance of an able Guru, and working hard to imbibe them into my life, has given me a glimpse into the vastness that remains beyond this meager existence of mine.
The Shastras became the substratum for working on oneself to reach the higher goal.
The available equipments are insufficient to make us reach there. They can only become a means, that too, if used correctly.
The non-apprehension of our true nature leads to mis-apprehension of the Reality.
Being agile and alert in every thought word and deed, slowly and steadily helps a seeker to take forward steps.
In the Text, ‘Bhaj Govindam’, Adi Guru Sree Shankaracharya ji says,
“गेयं गीतानामसहस्त्रम् ध्येयं श्रीपतिरूपमजस्रम् |
नेयं सज्जनसङ्गे चित्तं देयं दीनजनाय च वित्तम् ||
The above verse states the essential practices that are to be incorporated in our daily life to be able to stay unaffected by the mundane.
Another important learning is to adhere to the following principles of right living:
Satyam: Truthfulness
Ahimsa: Non-violence
Brahmacharya: Abstaining from indulgence
(The above are to be practiced in thought, word and deed together).
Being committed to my purpose is very important.
Nothing should be able to shake my commitment.
Finally, Faith in the Lord, in the teachings of the Scriptures, in the words of the Guru becomes the substratum for this higher inward journey.

Hari Aum
My humble prayers at my Guru’s Lotus Feet.
I seek blessings to deepen my Spiritual and Scriptural understanding. And I seek forgiveness for my wrong understandings and mistakes.
Maa, please pardon me, correct me and guide me.
करचरणकृतं वाक्कायजं कर्मजं वा
श्रवणनयनजं वा मानसं वाऽपराधम्।
विहितमविहितं वा सर्वमेतत्क्षमस्व
जय जय करुणाब्धे श्रीमहादेव शम्भो ॥
Humble Pranaam!
Aurangabad (CSN)
Hari Aum! Humble Prostrations at Your Holy Feet Maa ji!
Purpose Of My Life & How Will I Accomplish It?
This, being a primary question, I think it is the hardest of all to answer. I hadn’t ever asked it to myself nor thought it was important. Life started and went on… with passing days, months & years without actually knowing the purpose of Life. When at school the purpose was to study properly and get good marks. College was the same - get a good job and make a successful career. That, for me, was the purpose of life! Never gave it a deep thought. Though sometimes I would wonder, why am I doing this? But it was very short lived. The first time that I actually thought of the purpose of life was, when I started learning under Maa ji.
We are taught in MBA, Goal Setting for short-term and long-term goals. Job interviews too have this question – “Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years and 10 years?” But there is never this question – “What is the purpose of life?” What is the purpose behind doing what we keep doing for years together?
Today, when I am put up this question, my answer is very different than what it would have been, had I not been studying the Scriptures under Pujya Maa ji.

According to our great Rishis the Purpose of human Life is; to attain the Supreme Self. Therefore, my purpose too is the same मोक्षो मे भूयाद् इति इच्छा…. Of course, easier said than done!!! But I am blessed to get this human birth and blessed to be under the shelter of Sree Guru Parampara. Therefore, it is my duty and responsibility, not to waste this human birth for satiating my worldly desires. To accomplish this, I should first check whether I am qualified with Saadhan Chatushtaya and Shatka Sampatti. Though it is very tough, and I keep slipping, I will put in purushaarth to reach there.
It is a very audacious Sankalp that I have taken up for myself! But I think God has given me this opportunity and blessed me with a Sadguru, then why should I fall short in my efforts? Of course, there are many obstacles en-route but then, even to achieve a worldly goal one must put in a lot of effort and face obstacles. Then, this is the highest goal ever; obviously the efforts will be humungous. I keep falling, but I shall not give up trying to imbibe from the holy Scriptures under Pujya Gurumaa’s guidance and loving fold.
I need to start by being vigilant and keep a constant check upon myself, putting in full Shraddha in the holy Words of the Scriptures, study sincerely, take up one Saadhna at a time and live by it. I will not run away from my worldly duties and try to work without attachment and without expecting the fruits. Work with the attitude of surrender at the Holy Altar, as that is what is prescribed for my upliftment, As per the Geeta Maha Yantra, Yog, through Karm, Dhyaan, Bhakti and Gnyaan is the key to The Self!
I surrender at the Lotus Feet of Revered Sree Guru Parampara. Only Their Grace will take me to what I deserve, which, only They know. I am not even eligible to say anything about it.
कामादिसर्पव्रजगारुडाभ्यां विवेकवैराग्यनिधिप्रदाभ्याम् ।
बोधप्रदाभ्यां द्रुतमोक्षदाभ्यां नमो नमः श्रीगुरुपादुकाभ्याम् ॥
I pray very humbly at the Lotus Feet of Revered Sree Guru Parampara to keep me on this path and never lose sight of the purpose of my life.
Humble Prostrations Maa!
Please forgive my errors of omission and commission and my limited understanding.
Dhanyawad Manish ji for everything always. Humble Pranaam.
(Dubai U.A.E)