Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

YEAR 2025

YEAR 2024

YEAR 2023

YEAR 2022

YEAR 2021

A New Beginning with Divine Blessings


Hari Aum!

Prostration at the Holy Feet of Pujya Maaji and Sree Guru Parampara.

While the entire world was celebrating the dawn of the new year with resolution to satisfy the objective goals, like every year Maaji guided us to welcome the new year 2023 to bring encouraging thoughts & endless endurance for proceeding unabatedly towards the Supreme goal i.e. to evolve further.

New year at SISS was celebrated with grace of Guru Maa's blessings and Her divine sermon on the occasion. Sree Vishnu Sahastranaam Homam was led by Sri. Chaitanyaji in the holy presence of Guru Maa and other devotees of Delhi-NCR Study Circle.

The day started with welcoming pujya Gurumaa with Purna Kumbha followed by Mangal-aarti at Sree Ishwar Darshan temple. We performed Sree Gayatri Puja. Then the sacred Yagnya was performed during the Rajopchaar, led by Chaitanyaji, where we all turn by turn, offered our oblation to the Fire God on chanting of every Shloka of Sree Vishnu Sahastranaam.

Maa explained the purpose of new year resolve to evolve further in spiritual life by taking proper actions laid down by the Guru Parampara. Maa explained why Lord Vishnu's Puja is being conducted on the new year day. When Lord Vishnu incarnated as Vaaman Avataar, His first 2 steps covered the entire Swarg and Martya Lokas. Because there was no place for the third step, king Bali pleaded Him to take the third step on his head, thus pushing the demon king to Paataal Lok. We pray, may the great Lord Vishnu annihilate the demonaic characteristics in us!

It has always been a great pleasure and a learning experience to start the new year with such divine austerities followed by lunch prasad with Maaji, Chaitanyaji & fellow seekers amidst the serene beauty of SISS.

My sincere gratitude to Maaji who has been a guiding factor in diverting our mind from our mundane existence towards the ladder of evolution.

May the new year 2023 bring us all love and hope for better divine life.

Hari Aum!