Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

YEAR 2025

YEAR 2024

YEAR 2023

YEAR 2022

YEAR 2021


Aditi Someshwar

Hari Aum!

This Chaitra Navratri was different than usual. With the blessings of Sree Guru Parampara, my prayers of being in the holy serene environment of SISS were answered, along with the blessed opportunity of travelling with GuruMaa from SISS to Aurangabad!

I felt a pull, like a magnetic force acting, while I was on my way to SISS, Noida, on 5th April, the fourth day of Chaitra Navratri. As I entered Sree Sadguru Sharanam, there was an overwhelming feeling of devotion looking at the beautifully decorated altar of Devi Durga Mata, Devi Lakshmi Mata, and Devi Saraswati Mata. Gazing at the pictures of the magnificent Sadgurus in front of me, and the Vyaaspeeth next to them, my heart was filled with a deep sense of gratitude remembering all the retreats, the beautiful precious, priceless learnings that GuruMaa has imparted to us over the years, and Manish ji’s tireless work! With prostrations at this Holy altar, what was coming my way in the next two days was truly unique!

This was the first time that I was in SISS while there was no retreat in progress. The shower of love and affection by Maa and Manish ji is much beyond what words can express. Time flew, and every moment had something to learn from. A walk in the bountiful BrahmUdyaan with Mata, Aarti in Sree Sadguru Sharanam and Gurudev’s message for the day, the special care towards each meal which had every “ras” so perfect, the learnings from Manish ji by observing him perform each task in the Ashram with complete eye for detail and self-reliance, the discussions from which there was so much to reflect upon, the golden opportunity to meditate in the Dhyaan mandap of Sree Ishwar Darshan temple – these were all nourishment at different levels of Body, Mind and Intellect.

Arrived 7th April, it was time for departure to Aurangabad! But this time, there was a different feeling, unlike the regular feeling of getting back into the outside world after a retreat - I was not going alone, I had the blessed opportunity of travelling with Mata to Aurangabad! I experienced that the orientation of the mind stayed, unlike the other times that I had left the Ashram. On expressing this self-observation to Mata, her kind, understanding words followed, with a message for me, which I took as my homework to improve upon. This was one time I could raise my slightest of doubts with Mata, the answers I received are my treasure for not only this life, but ahead too.

Sahasra koti pranaam to Maa, I pray that I am able to imbibe Her teachings in their true essence.

Immense gratitude to Manish ji, the great propellor and pillar of support always!

