Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

YEAR 2025

YEAR 2024

YEAR 2023

YEAR 2022

YEAR 2021

You Reap What You Sow

Sudha Bazaz

Hari Aum

On the onset of Basant Ritu, we had a talk by Mata on the subject, 'The Field & the Yield' marking the arrival of the spring season in India, when nature blooms to its highest potency. The entire field looks like a bed of yellow flowers. It symbolizes peace, prosperity, light, energy and optimism! This month is very conducive and beneficial for our spiritual studies as well.

To have a beautiful and a desirable yield, the field needs to be cultivated very well. This yield depends on various factors - the seed, weed, need, deed, reed. The seeds need to be cultivated under the guidance of intellect which is only possible by the grace of Mata Saraswati.

Our salutation to Goddess Maa Saraswati. She is pure and white like Jasmine flower, brilliance of snow peak, coolness of moon and a garland of pearl. She is adorned with white drapery. Maa Saraswati is holding the Veena in two hands, rosary beads in the third hand (rosary denotes the power to stay focussed) and is blessing us with the fourth hand. Her four hands represent Mann, Buddhi, Chitta, Ahankaar. She is seated on a white lotus and is worshiped by Lords Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh. 'Swa-Saar' denotes the essence of our Self, so we pray to Mata Saraswati to protect us and dispel our ignorance. One who is blessed by Maa Saraswati will not be affected by sansaar.

Hari Aum