Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

YEAR 2025

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YEAR 2022

YEAR 2021

A Priceless Blessing from Our Gurus

Aditi Someshwar

Hari Aum!

The last one and a half year has passed, with me inside my house owing to the pandemic. In this period, each “Call Talk” by Guru Maa has been a booster dose for my Spiritual appetite. Each time, I made a silent prayer, “With the grace of Sree Guru Parampara, may I get to learn at the feet of the Guru soon!”.

With Their blessings, my prayer fructified during the auspicious occasion of Sree Guru Purnima, on 24th July. I felt overwhelmed at receiving this opportunity of attending the priceless short retreat on “Dhyan Saadhna (Basic Practices)” which was very thoughtfully put together by Manish ji.

Arriving in the SISS pristine pure environment, where everything is reverberating with divinity and perfection, we had a warm dinner with Manish ji and prostrated to Sree Ishwara once again. The next two days, we were engrossed in absorbing Guru Maa’s directions on “Dhyan Saadhna” and Vedant learnings at Her Lotus Feet.

Mata ji helped us first align our motive in doing Dhyan Saadhna. Our Mind – Intellect equipment is involved in the world, which is ever changing. The delusion of this inner equipment, the “Antahkaran”, is the cause of the life that I have taken. It is important for me, as a seeker to strive for “Aatm-shuddhi” in order to take on the Spiritual journey, to realize the True Self. The steps and method of doing “Japa” were explained by Mataji, with in depth teachings of breathing and chanting. We all followed Her with utmost reverence, experiencing the calming effect of what the Guru was imparting to us. Mata ji explained that, once the hold over mind is achieved by performing Japa as per the prescribed method, the seeker needs to practise the following steps for his “Dhyan Saadhna” with complete sincerity and regularity: Introspection, Concentration, Contemplation, Reflection, Meditation. Each of the steps were lovingly explained by Guru Maa for the benefit of each of us, and each of our question, however basic, was answered by Her Holiness. Mata ji alerted us that Ego is the biggest impediment on this path, and complete surrender of ego is of utmost importance! My humble pranaam to Guru Maa, may I practice the teachings to the best of my ability.

Manish ji, for the benefit of all of us attending the retreat, put together a guide book on “Dhyan Saadhna” written by Guru Maa, which will truly aid us in our practice of the same. Heartfelt gratitude to him.

The Guru Purnima moon shone brightly over SISS, and we all bathed in its peaceful divine brilliance. Mata ji guided us with Sree Guru Purnima Puja in the evening, (“Manas” Puja), which was again so rejuvenating. As an offering to Sree Guru Parampara, Mata ji released the audio rendering, “Stutiratna”. The hearts of all present in Sadguru Sharanam, was at-once filled with reverence for our Guru, echoing with “tatah kim, tatah kim….”.

Blessing Pankaj ji with his earnest desire of being initiated into Vaanprasth, Guru Maa with her ever-radiant smile showered her blessing, giving him Vaanprasth Deeksha, and bestowed the name “Prapanna” upon him. We were fortunate to witness this beautiful event under the glorious full moon of Sree Guru Purnima.

It did not feel as though I was in SISS after very long. The purity and perfection in the environment, nature in its bounty glory with variety of flowers, fruits and birds, all speak of its Divinity. Everything about the retreat, the stay, etc was just perfect as always, despite no help being offered by the devotees. In addition to organising everything, Manishji was compassionate to guide us time and again with his wisdom, for us to get back our focus and sincerity; I can’t thank him enough! The staff was their best as always. Due to covid restrictions, there was no external cook, but the refreshing food filled our appetite and senses with complete satisfaction.

Prostrations at the Holy altar of Sree Guru Parampara. I am grateful to them for bringing me to the feet of my Guru!