Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

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Ordinary Actions – Extra Ordinary Injunctions

Mythili Muralidharan

Pranaams to H H Maa Purnananda ji.

Hari Aum to everyone.

Maa ji’s extraordinary online Call Talk “Scriptural Injunction for Mundane Action” on 18-02-24, reminded me of the few teachings from Thirukkural, which is based on our Scriptures. In this Call Talk, Maa ji gave valuable insights on how we can purify ourselves by applying Scriptural wisdom in our everyday mundane activities. Maa ji started with a simple introduction, that there is no point in learning Scriptural values and keeping them as knowledge in our mind without applying it while performing our duties/actions. Even Thiruvalluvar says:

“Karkka Kasadara Karpavai Katrapin

Nirkka Adarkku Thaka”

Meaning: Do learn well, that which is worthy of learning without any doubt and after that apply whatever you have learnt in your life without fail.

But we face lot of challenges/ difficulties in following the Scriptural instructions. Maa ji explained by giving quotes from Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta in which Bhagwaan says, “Thinking upon unworthy objects, makes desires & attachments arise, which lead to anger. This, in turn leads to a deluded mind, which destroys intellectual ability and because of this, we lose the power of discrimination or Vivek”. Thus from there, the ladder of down-fall starts for any person!

To save ourselves from that kind of fall, Maa ji further explained, that our thought process should be motivated by Scriptural injunctions. Maa ji took excerpt from Manu Smriti text, which says, thoughts should be based upon the righteous truth - called ‘RITAM’. Speech based upon Ritam will be ‘SATYAM’. Deeds/ actions based upon Ritam and Satyam are performed as ‘DHARM’. Special emphasis was given to speech which should be ‘truthful and pleasant’ and not ‘pleasant and untruthful’. This should become the principles of the follower of Sanaatan Dharm.

It is not very easy to base our words and deeds with this kind of Scriptural injunction. To Speak the truth which has to be pleasant, then definitely, behind that, the  thought has to be cultured, civilised, positive and beneficial. This will require to change our present contaminated thought process and think wisely before we interact with our mundane world. This can only be achieved when our thought process is changed according to our Scriptural injunctions under the guidance of our Guru.

Maa ji concluded with a profound statement that, every-one should take up at least one Scriptural injunction and practice it sincerely, so that the thought process will become well integrated and organised as per injunctions.

My Pranaams at the Lotus feet of our Guru Maa.

Hari Aum!