Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

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An Invaluable Birthday Gift

Mythili Muralidharan

Pranaam to H H Maa Purnananda ji.

Hari Aum to everyone.

I felt so blessed, as the Call Talk “Value vs Valuation” scheduled on March 12th, happened to be my birthday too. I had the greatest opportunity to offer Shlokas from ‘Sree Sowndaryalahari’ for invocation and ‘Kshama Prarthana’ on that day. When Maaji sang the birthday song, I was on top of the world, it was indeed an invaluable gift for me. What else do I need on my birthday?

Thank you so much Maaji! 

“Value vs Valuation” although seemingly looking similar words, Maaji unfolded the deep difference between these two common words so beautifully by taking the example of money.

Usually, the valuation of currency is done by market demands and any person’s value is assessed by money and the buying power. The importance is given to money rather than Religion and Culture. This is how, the valuation is done to value a person in today scenario.

But how to value the Brahman? Even though the subject is available all the time, the real value of the “Invaluable Reality” is not known. It is immeasurable because it is “One“ without a “second” so we cannot compare the value and the valuation cannot be done.

Rishis - the Seers, for the convenience of seeker, have set norms to increase the value of seeker, so that the enhanced seeker can be closer to the Brahman. The norms set by Rishis are: Vidya, Tapa, Gnyaan, Dhan, Sheela, Guna and Dharm. To enhance these basic seven values within us, we have to read sacred books. 

Vidya - The internalised Scriptural knowledge put into practice

Tapah - Self control at all 3 layers, (physical, mental and intellectual).

Dhan - Large heartedness in thought, words and deed.

Gnyaan - Having secular knowledge.

Sheel - Social conduct harmonious to society.

Guna - Cultured (not becoming arrogant with education).

Dharma – Being Righteous.

To understand and practice these values, specific disciplines are given by Rishis to follow on auspicious days. During this Chaitra Navraatri and Sree Ram Navami, let us invoke Devi Durga within us to annihilate the animalistic nature within us, lift ourselves and prepare to welcome auspicious Sree Ram in our hearts on the ninth day.

Let us nurture these values within us and seek our Guru’s guidance to see in valuation where we stand and how far we have to go in our Spiritual journey….

Hari Aum
