Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

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Kaliyug Maha Mantra

Sudha Bazaz
Aurangabad (CSN)

Hari Aum!

My prostrations at the Holy Feet of Sree Guru Parampara.

On the eve of Sree Guru Purnima there was a retreat at SISS Noida, and the topic was Kali Santarana Upanishad.

The Retreat name made me curious, as I did not know that such an Upanishad exists, and it gives an insight into the Kaliyug Mahamantra. This Upanishad belongs to Yajurved. The name Kali means Kaliyug, Santaran means to cross over, and Upanishad means ‘Disciple sitting near, below the Guru to acquire knowledge’.

The Upanishad starts with the syllable ‘Aum’ which symbolizes the Unmanifest - ‘Aprakat Brahman’. ‘Hari’ is the manifest form of the Unmanifest – ‘Prakat Brahman’.

At the end of the Dwapar Yug, Narad ji went to Lord Sree Brahma ji and asked him, “How shall I, roaming over the Earth, be able to overcome the effects of Kali Yuga?"

Lord Brahma ji replied; thus, "You have asked well. Listen to that which all the Vedas keep secret and hidden, through which one may cross the ocean of the mundane existence (samsara) during KaliYug. It is through the mere recitation of the names of the Primeval Person of Godhead - Lord NARAYANA, that one transcends the evil effects of the Kali Yug.

Hare Råma Hare Råma, Råma Råma Hare Hare,
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare.

Narad ji is called Kali-kårak Who brings in conflict, but only to stir the seeker from his comfort zone to propel him upward to the Divine.

The sixteen words of the Mantra destroy the 16 envelopments (kala) in which the jeev is enveloped (aavaran), just like the Sun which shines forth, once the clouds are dispersed! Para Brahm alone radiates forth once the aavaran is eliminated.

Lord Brahma ji further elaborates to Narad ji, that there are no regulations (vidhi) to be observed to chant this Mantra – who so ever, in a pure or impure state can chant it.

Maa ji enlightened us with the explanation of the 16 kalas, the 16 envelopments:

Prana - life force; Shraddha – faith; Aakash – Ether; Våyu – air; Jyoti - fire/light; Apam – water; Prithivi - earth; Indriya -sense organs; Mann – mind; Annam - the sheath comprised of the food eaten; Vîryam - strength; Tapa – meditation; Mantra - Sonic power; Karma - actions and their reactions; Lok -the realms of existence; and Naam - individualism.

As long as the Aatman or the Self is enveloped or covered, it is known as Jeev. Once the aavaran is removed, it attains the same world (salokya), proximity to (samipya), the same form as (sarupya) or absorption into Brahman (sayujya). Whoever chants this Mantra of sixteen names 35 million times is absolved of all sins!