Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

YEAR 2025

YEAR 2024

YEAR 2023

YEAR 2022

YEAR 2021

Maa’s Divine Visit to Dubai

Kamal Sharma
Dubai (U.A.E)

Hari Aum!

Humble Prostrations at the Lotus Feet of Guru Maa!

Every year, we all are excited to have the opportunity to meet Maa, but due to COVID we could not meet Her for the last few years. Our prayers were answered, and Chaitanya ji (Manish ji) gave us the opportunity to listen to Maa ji and get Her blessings via Call Talks.

Listening to Maa ji’s voice brought us the calmness, serenity, peace and joy.

After a long time, finally, our wish came true; we all were able to meet Maa in Dubai.

My sincere thanks to all Study circle family members and Chaitanya ji for his kind consent in organizing such a wonderful schedule to shower and bless all of us with Maa ji’s kind words and aashirwad.

Each day we prayed to Gurudev to give us the strength and knowledge to serve Guru Dev’s direct and most favourite disciple - Maa ji.

Maa ji’s insistence on strict discipline and need for extreme commitment and dedication while reading, hearing or chanting Vedic verses was a lesson of a lifetime. Understanding the scriptures and the rituals in the true sense was taught by Maa ji.

Beyond the Discourses on Sree Guru Stotram, we had the blessed opportunity to discuss multiple aspects of our daily life, the mistakes that we commit and the correct way to chant the Vedic verses and much more...

I can probably go on and on explaining a lot about the learnings and the experiences that I had during Maa ji’s visit. I only pray for forgiveness, for mistakes committed knowingly or unknowingly.

I can only wish that we get the blessings of Maa ji many times in our lifetime.

Also, many thanks to Chaitanya ji who spared some time with us, where many things got cleared and to have Study Circle offline rather than having online.

Whenever we are attending a class, chanting, reading discussing, it should all be for my own progress.

I sincerely pray and hope that I strive to be worthy of this and am able to truly imbibe and adopt the virtues under the able guidance of Maa.

Our sincere pranaam at the holy feet of Maa. ‘Thank You’ is a very small word for all that You have done for us!

We pray to be showered by Your Grace continuously on all of us so that we may rise and grow to merge with our true Self.

Hari Aum!