Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

YEAR 2025

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YEAR 2021

Devi Puja – Chaitra Navraatri


Hari Aum!

My prostrations at the Holy Lotus Feet of Sree Guru Parampara!

I am making a humble attempt to submit my experience of the Devi Puja celebrations. I seek forgiveness for any errors I might have made un-intentionally while writing this article.

I am indeed very fortunate to having got the opportunity to write about the day we performed the Devi Upaasana in the SISS premises (Ashram to all of us) on 3rd April on the occasion of Chaitra Navraatri. But before I proceed further, I would like to share the message of Her Holiness Maa Purnanandaji, (Maa to me) of 2nd April, which seems so apt.

It says:” May the Believers in the Tradition of Devi Upaasana be Blessed with Deep Understanding of the Vast Inclusiveness & Endless Compassion Bestowed on Humanity by Mother Nature .”

Navraatri in Sanskrit means nine nights and so we perform puja over nine days. The festival is associated with celebration of Goddess Durga’s killing of the demon Mahishasur – the symbol of victory of good over evil. One who worships Devi Maa with sincerity, is sure to find relief from the challenges crossing one’s life. The greater and unseen benefit of Devi Upasana is that one is blessed with the strength for the removal of ignorance and bestowal of the knowledge of eternal truth.

Before the start of the Puja, we were explained, the significance and sequence of worshipping the three Mother Goddesses over the nine-day period – Maa Durga during the first three days, being the symbol of Shakti and Urja, Maa Laxmi over the next three days thereafter, being the symbol of Wisdom, Peace and Wealth, and Maa Saraswati over the last three days, being the symbol of Knowledge and Spirituality. The altar of the Mother Goddesses was beautifully decorated with fresh flowers (which came after a rather long time due to the COVID pandemic).

Maa was welcomed with Purnakumbh and by reciting the Mangal Aarti.

The Shodashopchaar Devi Puja was performed by the eldest member of our Study Circle (Shri Prapanna ji) along-with the youngest member of our Study Circle (Ananta),with the Blessings of Maa.

I pray to Maa seeking her blessings as I try to make my sincere efforts to correct my mistakes on my spiritual journey, as I feel that without mistakes there is no learning. By worshipping Mother Goddess, I pray for enhancement of my inner strength to try to overcome my lower tendencies. Also, that our animalistic nature, “Nishumbh” (I’ness) and “Shumbh” (Myness) within us, is killed by Mother Goddess to make this life a better place to live in.

Hari Aum!