Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

YEAR 2025

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YEAR 2021

The Blossoms of Vasant Panchami

Shikha Tulshan

My humble pranaam at the Holy Feet of Her Holiness, pujya Mataji and to Sri. Manish ji. We were once again blessed to receive the benign blessings of Gurumaa on the auspicious occasion of Vasant Panchami through a call talk on the Topic "The Field & the Yield". I was prepared that the talk would detail the topic, of which i had an idea that the field (Kshetra) has to be cultivated well to get the best yield (produce), when the 1st indication by Manish ji to focus on the term 'Yield' jerked me up and brought my attention very close!

'Yield is the very Source, and field the Creation'. Eager to learn more about this, Mataji gave an insight into this deep thought. She made us understand that we need to focus our attention on the Divine intervention in and through everything, because That is the very Source. If source, which is the yield, is Divine based, then the field will be spirituality, and only then, the produce will be as per the source, which will be beneficial.

If the source is desire based, it will be a cycle of sorrow and happiness, which a jeev like me is traveling in, lives after lives!

Maa re-shaped certain words (which we use very often on a daily basis) to use them as important tools to re-orient ourselves. We need to pay attention to the Seed, and then Weed it, then put in the right Deed, in a particular Speed, and we have to pay Heed to our Need without any Greed, to Feed ourselves and the Creed, and for this, we the ‘REED’. We need to invoke the blessings of Mother Goddess- Maa Saraswati, to tune up our instruments with which we can sow the right seeds. 

Everyday i pray at the Holy Feet of That Form – ‘Maa Saraswati’ given by the great Rishis to That ‘Formless’, who is Swa-Saar, the essence of Self.

One Who is fair and glowing with purity like the jasmine flower and the brilliant Moon, Whose garland is pure white and is adorned with sparkling white clothes. Who is holding the Veena in two hands, the japa mala in the 3rd hand and Is blessing us with Her right hand. Seated on a white lotus Mother Goddess is worshipped by Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva and all other Gods n Goddesses. May mother Goddess give me refuge and protect me and completely annihilate all my ignorance and inertia. Riding upon ‘Hamsa’, may She take us to 'Sa-aham' '(That I am) and not this bundle of desires or vasanas.

May i be worthy of praying with such deep reverence at the Holy Feet to purify my antahkarana and make it worthy of worshipping the Divine Mother. 

The 2 hands holding the Veena are the 2 instruments of mind and intellect playing the field of activity. Here the 2 instruments have to be tuned up to sow the right seeds (yield) for the right field (creation). The third hand having the japa mala is the practice i must inculcate to sublimate my ego at the Holy Feet. This will result in the purity of chitta, indicated by the fourth hand as blessing, meaning ‘Peace’ which is the outcome, to progress towards the Higher. 

I am sure, like myself no one was willing to come out of the beautiful thought process that Gurumaa had put us all in, but nevertheless we stirred, to get benefited yet again by a beautiful array of questions & answers that followed.

My sincere gratitude to Manish ji, without whom, this would not have been possible. I feel enriched and pray to inculcate the valuable teachings.

Hari Aum