Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

YEAR 2025

YEAR 2024

YEAR 2023

YEAR 2022

YEAR 2021

To Evolve – We Must..

Hari Aum!

I express gratitude to Gurumaa and Chaitanyaji for this Call Talk on ‘Resolve to Evolve’ which was so insightful.

My first understanding from the online Call Talk is that ‘Goal’ is important, otherwise stagnation takes place.

Most think that evolution is a part of life, but Maa emphasised that it cannot happen without resolving. At times, means & goal get intermingled. Scriptures say by righteousness uplift yourself by your Self. A mind which is not under guidance can become ones’ own enemy. So vigilance helps.

3 types of karmas are to be performed for ones’ evolution: - 

Yagnya - sacrificing the doer-ship,

Daan - sharing the possessions with others and

Tapa- burning my own ego to maintain austerity for evolution. 

Also evolution is of two types - internal and external. Evolve internally and the quality of our external activities are bound to improve. Helping others is not enough. My internal change by evolving myself, will truly be helpful to those around me.

Our words, thoughts and deeds are connected to our resolve.

Peace within is the true evolution, so progress with right understanding.

Hari Aum,


Mamta Bagla
Aurangabad (Maharashtra)

My humble prostrations at the Holy Feet of Gurumaa.

Pranaam to Chaitanyaji.

In the beginning of every year, we try to bring about some or the other improvements in us to become better individuals. But the Call Talk on 8th on ‘Resolve to Evolve’ was sufficient to drive home the point that the latter cannot happen without the former! My gratitude to Gurumaa for the enlightening Talk and to Chaitanyaji for giving me the opportunity to attend. 

Ego is the cause of my existence since the beginning of time and is the reason for keeping me away from realising "Who" i actually am. Ego is my biggest enemy and an impediment on the path to progress. "Get up n resolve to fight" (with this ego) is the call of Lord Krishna to a human of any age n era.  Our great Rishis have laid down all the rules & guidelines to annihilate this ego. The knowledge of it is preserved not only in the books, but is seen in the living of chosen disciples as per the teachings passed down by Their Gurus in the form of Guru-Shishya-Parampara. 

So first and foremost with folded hands, and with humility, may I learn to worship Their Holy Sandals through shodashopchaar to seek for forgiveness and purify my intellect, so that my mind and senses are guided in the right direction. 

Refraining my mind from indulgence, not having negativity towards anyone, daily prayers, will help me learn sacred scriptures like Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta at the Feet of a Sadguru and undertake the 3 austerities of Yagnya, Daan Tapa which are necessary for my progress. Evolution cannot be overnight. With steady and consistent practice of this, my mind will become less desirous, and will become my own friend to take me to the Higher. If not harnessed properly, my own mind can become my enemy.

My prayers at the Holy Altar of SISS and Sree Guruparampara. 

Hari Aum!

Shikha Tulshan
Aurangabad (Maharashtra)