Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

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The Divine Blessings at SISS

Upasana Phukan

Hari Aum!

SISS is always a Divine home for us, where we can sit near to God, find blessings and rediscover ourselves. We are very thankful to Maa ji and Chaitanya ji for giving us the holy opportunity for attending the Spiritual Retreat and Maha-Abhishekam of Sree Ishwara.

We feel blessed and really fortunate to have attended the retreat - “Jeevatva to Ishwaratva“. As unique the topic is to me, so unique was the delivery of the message!

The retreat, in all auspiciousness was invoked with the melodious aarti, “Sankatamochana, Bhava Bhaya Bhanjan, Sadguru Chinmaya Jaya Jaya Hai…”. Maa explained, though all Gurus are Chinmaya, by invoking we train our minds to identify with the Sadguru. This identity is important to cross the identity from jeevatva to Ishwaratva. This was the first hint to the valuables that were to unfold in the next two days of unforgettable lessons of unique simplicity and direct transferring of knowledge.

Below is my humble attempt to express some of the uniqueness of the revered teachings delivered in the most interactive way, as absorbed by me:
1. Unique approach to Bhakti as illustrated by Jagadguru Sree Adi Shankaracharya ji, in Vivek Chudamani -
“Mokshakaaran Saamagryaam Bhaktireva Gariyasi”
“Among the instruments and conditions required for liberation, Devotion alone is Supremel”
“Swa-Swaroopa Anusandhaanam Bhaktih Iti Abhidheeyate”.
Devotion is constant and consistent effort to live your Real Nature, i.e. True Self.
2. Nine types of Bhakti (devotion) from Prahlaad Charitra as a comprehensive framework to choose and practice devotion according to the inclinations, eg, Shravan, Kirtan, Smaran, Paad-sevan, Archana, Vandana, Dasya, Sakhyatva, Atmanivedanam (complete surrender), from Sreemad Bhaagawatam, 7th canto.
These are the methods to practise to reach True Self.
3. The nine patterns of devotion blessed by Lord Sree Ram to Shabri Mata that leads one to Knowledge.
a) To keep company of the saintly as they are the models of excellence for learning the values of human life and how to develop Faith in Lord.
b) Listening to stories of the Lord to purify our hearing, so that the Lord enters our heart and soul.
c) Devotion for selflessly serving the Guru’s lotus Feet without any pride or arrogance.
d) Telling stories about Lord’s virtues without any traces of cunningness or fraud.
e) Mantra jaap for steadfast Faith.
f) Self-control, good character, and detachment from unnecessary activities.
g) Perceiving the world as the Lord Himself and regarding the saints as the direct extension of the Lord.
h) State of desire-lessness and to be content with what we have, with no negativity towards anyone even in dream.
i) Full Faith in Lord and become childlike innocent with no hypocrisy, leaving all to the Almighty. No scope for depression in failures or excitement in success. Be calm in all the situations.
4. Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta, Chapter 12,
Mayyeva-Mann-Aadhatsva-Mayi-Buddhim-Niveshaya |
Nivasishyasi-Mayyeva--Ata-Oordhvam-Na-Sanshayah ||BG 12.8 ||
Put your mind only in Me, Invest your (extra) intellect in me, Then you will dwell in Me only, no doubt.
[That (extra) intellect was a real clue to develop devotion].
5. Narad Bhakti Sutra (verses 11, 12 & 13) outlining principles and paths of Bhakti (devotion). One has to perform all duties, religious and secular, each action being congenial to Him - was elucidated by Guru Maa providing unique insight into nature of devotion.
There was so much depth and variety in that short duration of two days’ teaching, but with my limited capacity to understand and absorb the teachings, there is every possibility of wrong interpretation for which I seek for forgiveness.

With Folded Hands,

Hari Aum!