Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Being with myself

YEAR 2024

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YEAR 2020

My Desire Designs My Destiny

Dubai (U.A.E)

Hari Aum!

Humble Prostrations at the Holy Feet of the Revered Sree Guru Parampara.

There are so many questions pertaining to prarabdh or destiny. Whenever there is a challenging situation, we start thinking that this is my prarabdh and I have to go through it. It is like a blind spot which can be blamed for any and every happening in our lives. But do we really pay attention to it or is it just an escape route? It is something that we do not pay much attention to. Who creates my prarabdh? It cannot just come from nowhere and play into my life. Our scriptures have all the answers to our questions. We need to sincerely look into them under the guidance of a Sadguru, else we will remain in the dark abyss.

Kaarya and Karm are intentional actions done by us from time to time which lead to their fruits and these fruits fructify to become our prarabdh time and again. Now the question arises - I don’t desire for difficult situations or circumstances then why do they haunt me if my desire has created my destiny? Well! there are many factors to it. I do actions without willing for them. My Rajogun forces me to do unwanted acts, also what I give the world it will give back to me 3 fold like an echo. Our vasanas create our Body, Mind and Intellect. They create the path to my present life. Though I cannot change my current destiny, my future lies in my hand. I need to observe my desires and not entertain every desire.

My destiny is a part of the total destiny, so I need to contribute positively to the totality so that my future destiny improves and goes in the direction that I want it to go. I need to be more Saatvik as it is more pervasive to be able to write my own destiny. I should detach myself from the fruit of my action and should face my destiny by being absorbed in the thought of revered Sree Guru Parampara. ‘Desire’ is the cause and ‘Destiny’ is the effect. Desire, though very powerful, only the Grace of Guru has the power to change my desire. I need to practice my Guru’s instructions little by little as per my understanding and that will open up the window to get out of the clutches of desires towards evolution. This is the only way to redeem ourselves from our prarabdh.

Whenever everything goes fine, we tend to believe its me and because of me that all is good. But the moment anything goes against my wish, I blame my destiny.

After today’s session this complaint will be removed forever, as I have understood that my desire is the creator of my destiny and I need to channelize my thoughts and actions to get the kind of desired results, I want from my destiny and shape it for me.

Humble Pranaam Maa!

Dhanyawaad Manish ji for all that you do for our Spiritual wellbeing.

Hari Aum Tat Sat!