Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

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Internalize & Improvise

Gayatri Ramanan
Dubai (U.A.E)

Hari Aum!

Humble Pranaam at Maa ji’s Lotus Feet!

Maa’s message for Navraatri and Sree Ram Navami was to 'Harness' the mind i.e., refrain from the adverse impact of Trigunaatmika Maya (Sattva, Rajas and Tamas), thereby leading to 'Harmony' everywhere. This beautiful equipment called Mind can be let loose to run behind this material world and become a slave to it (OR) controlled, tamed and tuned so that it brings out the Divinity from within us. Trigunaatmika Maya is Devi Mata Durga, Mata Saraswati and Mata Lakshmi. We pray during the nine nights to protect ourselves from the adverse impact of Maya. It is during the night that our mind becomes a slave to our inherent tendencies and acquires the animalistic nature. We have to engage ourselves in prayer to overcome the Asuri and Raakshasi Vritti within us to elevate ourselves. Maa ji compared the picture of Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta, where the reigns of the horses are in the hands of Sree Krishna. So Arjun, who surrendered himself to the Lord was able to harness his mind. 

Our Rishis have thoughtfully and scientifically designed Pujas for us during specific days and nights to guide and aid us to keep the three Gunas in the right places, thereby conquering our lower tendencies. During Navraatri, we must observe vrat (taking a vow) and upawaas (being closest to Divinity) during the day and with the mental equipoise gained thereby, we offer Shodashopachar Puja to Mother Goddess in the evening, followed by meditation. Maa ji also mentioned that Sree Durga Saptashati, which is chanted during Navraatri, has 700 shlokas and can be divided into Karm Yog, Bhakti Yog and Gynan Yog from the Vedantic point of view, like Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta.

Maaji prescribed the following Mantra from Sree Durga Saptashati for meditation during the morning sunrise.

रूपं देहि, जयं देहि, यशो देहि, द्विषो जहि ।।

‘Roopam’ represents the beauty of our inner character, which gets reflected outside as our physical beauty. Hence we invoke the virtues in our Antahkaran while chanting.

‘Jayam’ represents victory over our six inner enemies (Shadvikaar - Kama, Krodh, Lobh, Moha, Madh, Matsarya).

‘Yash’ represents the glory of the Divine (and NOT the ego within us) which should be invoked. For all this to happen, our negativity in the form of ‘Dvesh’ bhaav has to be removed by praying to Mother Goddess on all the eight days and on the ninth day of Sree Ram Navami, our mind can be harmonized well with the Grace of Sree Ram. Having done so, Maaji further said, “Then we are neither disturbed by, nor do we disturb the outside world”, which is so beautifully explained in Verse 15, of Chapter 12 of Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta.

We have to aspire to cultivate the virtues of Maryada Purushottam Sree Ram. When each individual thus cultivates such virtues, the family becomes harmonious and in turn, it reflects well on the society, country and the world as a whole. Another way of meditating on the virtues of Lord Ram is by chanting Mantras in praise of the Lord. Maa chanted a Mantra of Lord Sree Ram for meditation on the day of Sree Ram Navami.

आपदामपहर्तारं दातारं सर्वसंपदाम् ।
लोकाभिरामं श्रीरामं भूयो भूयो नमाम्यहम् ।।

We pray to Lord Ram, our Antaraatma, to bless us with peace, when our mind fluctuates between one loka and another. This will help us to harmonize our mind, make it steady and ultimately take us to our true Self. Maa also taught us the way of Introspection, Concentration, Contemplation, Reflection and Meditation during Q/A session.

This piece of writing is only my understanding of Maaji’s Talk and I seek forgiveness for any errors of omission or commission in expressing my thoughts.

Our humble pranaam to Manish ji for giving us this wonderful opportunity to listen to Maaji during this auspicious occasion.

Hari Aum.