Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

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Sree Guru Tattwa Expounded
Discourse on Sree Guru Stotram

Dubai (UAE)

Our humble Pranaam at Maa ji’s Lotus Feet!

After a long break of more than 2 years, we had the blessing of listening to Maa’s continuation of discourse on Sree Guru Stotram (in the mornings) and Sree Ashtalakshmi Stotram (in the evenings). It was a very pleasant experience to have Chaitanya ji (Manish ji) also here, so the time spent was more thought provoking.

The Guru Stotram seems to be a simple Stotram chanted everywhere. But the underlying meaning is full of Vedant, so difficult to understand! When Maa expounded the ‘Guru Tattwa’, we had to be fully alert, and the early morning session really helped. I wish to share my understanding of Maa’s Teachings.

Maa explained the difference between Shlok and Stotram. Stotra is a Stuti in praise of the Lord or Guru, whereas a Shlok is compilation of worldly emotions of a seeker.

While chanting a Stotram, to whichever Lord or Guru it maybe, we should feel the oneness with Brahman. The Self is the witness for all objects moving and non-moving, perceivable, and non-perceivable.

Maa mentioned that in a Stotram, to invoke the divinity in me, any verse can be chanted independently, and it needn’t be sequential.

The Guru is well established in the Chid Swaroop, wearing the garland of the Eternal Truth. The Guru bestows us with both ‘Bhukti and Mukti’, meaning Bhog and Moksh. That’s the reason ‘Naivedyam’ is called ‘Bhog’ and I should get liberated from the world of enjoyments. I have to remember this while offering Naivedyam. I understood that it also implies that we should offer everything that our senses enjoy to the Lord with this bhaav in mind. That way I become more careful while enjoying worldly pleasures and I slowly learn to accept life as it comes and develop detachment.

The verse, which has to be contemplated upon every day -

अनेक जन्म-सम्प्राप्त- कर्म-बन्ध-विदाहिने।
आत्मज्ञान-प्रदानेन तस्मै श्री गुरवे नमः॥

This reminds us, that we have had thousands of lives in the past and it will only continue so. But in this life, I have the wonderful opportunity to get back to my True Nature. For that I must perform my actions as a ‘Sacrifice’. Only then my bondage to the results of my actions will get burnt in the fire of Knowledge. The Guru bestows us with that Knowledge of the Self. This Knowledge dawns on me, only when I drop my sense of doership and enjoyership. To explain this, Maa ji quoted a verse from Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta, Chapter 3 (Karm Yog), Verse 9 -

यज्ञार्थात्कर्मणोऽन्यत्र लोकोऽयं कर्मबन्धन: |
तदर्थं कर्म कौन्तेय मुक्तसङ्ग: समाचर ||3.9||

The Guru has the power of drying the ocean of our mundane existence, because the Guru stands on Self-Knowledge. So, we wash the Guru’s Feet and drink that holy water to purify ourselves.

Maaji also mentioned about Maanas-Puja. After enough practice of Shodashopachar physical puja, one can, under the guidance of the Guru take up Maanas-Puja whenever appropriate. But we need to qualify ourselves to do this.

One verse, which seemed simple in mere translation, had such deep significance.

न गुरोरधिकं तत्त्वं न गुरोरधिकं तपः।
तत्त्वज्ञानात् परं नास्ति तस्मै श्री गुरवे नमः॥११॥

The explanation by Maa for this verse was really very powerful and elevating. Between Tattwa and Tattwa Gnyaan, there is Tapas. As we gain Knowledge, the pride or feeling of being greater should be burnt in the heat of Tapasya. The pride of being greater should be cautiously eliminated without losing the status or power. My own Consciousness is my Guru, that is so difficult to understand. To accept, remember and implement the instruction of the Guru is true Tapasya. I should be able to extract the essence of the teachings, leaving aside my inhibitions.

The Guru Tattwa is Eternal with no beginning. There can be nothing greater than the Guru Tattwa that destroys our ego in the form of our ignorance and makes us realise our True Nature. The devotion to the Guru should be such that I should consider my Guru as the Jagadguru, consider That Guru as my own Consciousness, and That Consciousness pervades the Universe. That Eternal, untainted Knowledge, which is beyond pairs of opposites and gunas acts as a Witness and gives Supreme Bliss. So, the Guru ultimately becomes our father, mother, relatives, friends and everything.

Bhagwaan manifests Himself when there is decay of Righteousness and rise of unrighteousness. But the Guru Parampara is always there to set us on the right path. we are blessed! Dhanyavad Maa ji for bestowing this High Knowledge on us. I prostrate at the Lotus Feet of the Guru Parampara, praying to bestow me with humility and purity of mind to understand the Teachings and be steadfast in Devotion.

We once again thank Chaitanya Ji for being with us and guiding us in every possible way.

Dhanyavad and Pranaam!