Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

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NCR Study Circle

Hari Aum!

My humble prostrations at the Lotus Feet of Guru Maa.

We the Study Circle members of Delhi NCR were truly blessed to have a Q&A session with Maa ji. On behalf of the Study Circle, I take the opportunity to express sincere gratitude and would like to share my takeaways from GuruMaa’s replies to the several queries raised by members of the Delhi NCR Study Circle.

Spiritual practice has nothing to do my physical inability. To be with my own Self, I need to take the name of God constantly and no other Sadhana is required. Spirituality encompasses all Religious activities.

To control my mind, I need to have Faith in the words of the Scriptures and be more attentive while listening to Discourses. On the seat of meditation, a seeker has to have steadiness and reject pain, anxiety outright.

Vedantic way of meditation is most suitable for the householders, as I can start from where I am. I need to assess and analyse the quality, quantity and direction of my thoughts, every night before sleeping. Every morning sit on the seat of meditation with a clean slate. Start with Japam and glide into the higher levels without the worry of the past and anxiety of the future.

At subtle levels it is difficult for me to understand my gain & loss. I can know my gains if:

(a) I am already on the path of Spirituality and reading Scriptures,

(b) I am under the guidance and shelter of a Sadguru,

(c) I am clear of my goal, to grow out of worldly entanglements.

I need to hold on to my gains, have unswerving Faith in the Supreme Reality and continuously strife to sail through the ocean of Samsaara.

To assess that my contentment is not false, I have to apply both knowledge and wisdom accordingly, whether it is the subjective or objective world. Knowledge has to get evolved into wisdom in Spiritual context. In Subjective pursuits besides clarity in understanding, it is to do more with practice.

Thank you Manish ji, for giving us this opportunity online, to clear our doubts by letting Maa ji guide us through our studies and practices.

Pranaam at the Holy Feet of Sree Guru Parampara!