Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

YEAR 2025

YEAR 2024

YEAR 2023

YEAR 2022

YEAR 2021

Looking Within

The Gardens,
Dubai (U.A.E)

It was a great opportunity to attend Maa's Talks on "Harnessing and Harmonizing". Maaji started with prayer and enlightened us about Maya - Mother Goddess - Yog Maya. She also told about the adverse effects of Trigunaatmika Maya (Sattva, Rajas and Tamas) and how to harness through Karm Yog, Bhakti Yog and Gnyaan Yog.

It was wonderful to know about Chaitra Navraatri, since most of us celebrate only ‘Shardeeya Navraatri’. Maaji spoke about Lord Rama who took the human form for upliftment of the good and annihilate the evil. During this period Maa taught us the way to introspect, contemplate and reflect. It was a real blessing to know about all these and how to live in harmony. Please forgive me for any mistakes in writing.

Our Pranaam to Maaji!

Sowmya, Manogna and Mourya.

Hari Aum! 

My prostrations to Maa and humble pranaam. Today's session on "Harnessing and Harmonizing" made it clear that until and unless we do not discipline ourselves in our life with the help of Holy Scriptures under the guidance of a Guru and put it into practice, we cannot think of being in harmony. 

Thanks to the question and answer session which has cleared lot of my doubts as I shy away to ask. The unbending effort of Manish ji in making this session has been beneficial to us every time. We would certainly put effort and follow the instructions and imbibe the values.

Kind Regards

Sripriya Sreeharsha

Hari aum,

It was an informative session like last time and new learnings about Navraatri & Sree Ram Navami. Maa ji shared the significance of few important Shlokas/Mantras during the Talk, that teach the innumerable ways to invoke the Almighty, which we would have lost if not attended the session. A beautiful way to teach our kids about the great virtues of Sree Ram. We are grateful towards Her Holiness for teaching the kids about how this world can be a wonderful place, starting from self to home to society to country and the world.

I take this opportunity to thank Maa for the selfless effort to inculcate great behaviour into our children through Bal Satya.

Hari Aum

Thanmayi, Prabhanjana and parents