Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

YEAR 2025

YEAR 2024

YEAR 2023

YEAR 2022

YEAR 2021

Vasant Panchami Blessings

Neera Soni
Noida (NCR)

Our prostrations to the Goddess of Learning. We at Delhi/NCR study circle are truly blessed to be able to perform Pujas and Homams on all auspicious occasions at SISS.  This year we celebrated Vasant Panchami on 16th February’ 2021.

Sree Saraswati Puja started with Purna-Kumbh and offering Arati at Sree Ishwara Darshan Temple. Then Maa ji told us that today’s Shodashopchaar will be performed as Maanas-Puja. We had to sit in Sukh aasan, with spine erect and eyes closed. Maa ji guided us through Shodashopchaar step by step and had to perform Puja at internal level. Under the guidance of Maa Ji’s melodious voice, we had to follow the steps by visualising Maa Saraswati in the seat of our heart. It was a very unusual and blissful experience. Maa ji explained that Shodashopchaar is important at physical level, but we can connect and focus more, by offering Maanas-Puja at subtle level.

Maa ji also released the ‘QUEST’, an online platform on, where queries of all will be answered by Manish ji. This will benefit and enrich all seekers. May we continue to learn under the guidance of Sree Guru Parampara and SISS.

Looking forward to meeting all our fellow seekers soon in 2021.

Stay safe,

Hari Aum