Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Being with myself

YEAR 2024

YEAR 2023

YEAR 2022

YEAR 2021

YEAR 2020

The Blessed Hand of Guru Maa on Me!

(15 years old)
Faridabad (NCR)

Hari Aum!

Prostrations at the Holy feet of Maa!

It has been my good fortune that I was able to celebrate Sree Adi Shankaracharya Jayanti and Sree Gurudev Jayanti in SISS.

Our three-day retreat began with Guru Maa taking the meditation class in the Brahm Udyan. It was a new learning experience for me.

The retreat was on the topic “Know What You Have” which was based on the Vedant Philosophy.

As I could understand that religion is the foundation giving enrichment to our culture and teaches us the values that we should imbibe in our lives. We have to bring moderation in our lives whether it is eating, sleeping, etc.

The glory of Sree Ishwara could be seen in the pure morning air, lush green grass, trees full of fruits, the melodious sounds of birds chirping and Adi blissfully playing around.

By the grace of Sree Guru Parampara I got an opportunity to celebrate my birthday with everyone in the ashram. It was truly a memorable birthday celebration for me at SISS. We all chanted Sree Mahamrityunjaya mantra with Maa along with the melodious birthday song in Sanskrit.

I felt so blessed to be with Maa and Manish Uncle to receive that love, care, compassion and the words of wisdom which act as a guiding force in my activities in life.

It was indeed a great learning experience along with fun and various other activities.

My humble gratitude at the Holy Feet of Guru Maa!