Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
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Worship Like Lord Sree Ram

Mythili Muralidharan

Pranaam to H H Maa Purnananda ji on the Auspicious Occasions of Chaitra Navraatri and Sree Ram Navami.

There are so many qualities that we have observe, absorb, inculcate and practice from Maryada Purushottam Lord Sree Ram. Great Rishis, as well as common people pray to Him. An Avatar of Sree Maha Vishnu, Sree Ram had come to earth in human form to set a role model for all mankind. So, during difficult situations, Lord Sree Ram Himself worshipped. Nearing the end of war with Ravana, Sree Ram had prayed intensely. At this juncture Sage Agastya came and taught Lord Sree Ram the famous prayer ‘Aditya Hridayam,’ - Meditation of Lord Suryadev in One’s Heart. Having received this Mantra, Lord Sree Ram recited it three times facing Suryadev, and was ready for the final battle. This quality of Lord Sree Ram that we have to practice every day, as prayer helps us to put our mind in the right frame to face the difficult situations in life.

Maaji’s beautiful Call-Talk on 10th April 2021, “Harnessing & Harmonizing”, gave us the big opportunity to practice this quality of Lord Sree Ram as Maaji explained in detail, how to worship Mother Goddess Durga, Maa Lakshmi and Maa Saraswati during Chaitra Navraatri followed by Sree Ram Navami.  By worshipping all three Devis during Chaitra Navaratri, which would harness our animalistic mind and put that mind on right track and would keep the reigns of five senses in the hands of the Divine. This would surely harmonize our life and subsequently bring Victory!

Thank you so much Maaji.

Jai Mata! Jai Sree Ram!
