Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

YEAR 2025

YEAR 2024

YEAR 2023

YEAR 2022

YEAR 2021

A Blessed Visit

Riddhima (Age - 13yrs)
Aurangabad, Maharashtra

Hari Aum!

My pranaam to Guru Maa.

My pranaam to Manish Mama.

I visited SISS this month looking forward to meeting Maa and Manish Mama and the Puja to be held. As soon as we reached the Ashram, no doubt a gloom struck, that we would not be seeing our dear Pablo. The sight of the place brought back all my memories of the beautiful times spent there during camps and our break-time play sports with dear Pablo. His saintly soul still remains in my heart and reminds me of peace and harmony at all times.

I already met with my 1st lesson - why does it make such a big difference, when I am in a temple or when I visit the Ashram and not the same when I try to meditate or be quiet for a moment in my room or anywhere else? The presence of Idols around me in a purified area with only feelings of blessings around is not the same as any other place. I realized I needed to pray more and spend more time with God. So, we reached SISS , and GuruMaa and Manish Mama were telling us about the wonderful Haridwar darshan and beauty of Maa Ganga. We had dinner and slept awaiting the Puja the next morning. I tried to participate in the preparations of the Puja and learnt a lot. I had breakfast and went to Sadguru Sharanam for the Puja. Being there for the worship of Sree Adi Shankaracharya ji and Sree Gurudev ji, itself was a great blessing, until Maa told that Ananta and I could do the puja. I had butterflies in my stomach! But at the same time felt so lucky and blessed. Puja taught me a lot. I had never been in or done a Puja with greater connection than I had done that day! I pray and hope my mistakes were forgiven as they were simply my learnings. I was blessed enough to have close sittings and be able to spend quality time with Maa and Manish Mama. Even though this trip was short it was so meaningful and deep, one I had never experienced before!