Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

YEAR 2025

YEAR 2024

YEAR 2023

YEAR 2022

YEAR 2021

Three Steps to Elevate Ourselves

Sweta Kandoi
Aurangabad (CSN)

Hari Aum!

My Pranaam at The Holy Altar and The Lotus Feet of Revered Gurumaa!

The year-ending online Call-Talk with Gurumaa on the topic ‘Commitment, Conviction, and Continuity’ was a reiteration of Maa’s teachings to us.

Commitment, conviction, and continuity are familiar words in the corporate world, but Sanaatan Dharm has always had these concepts. This topic is very important for all of us (spiritual aspirants) as to where and how to apply these concepts in our spiritual journey on an every-day basis. In the outside world, we are well aware of these and fulfill them.

In Grihasth ashram commitment has always been given importance, where in, it is well established that without commitment, marriage cannot work the way it should. Today's generation asks, “why marriage is important?” They claim that love factor will not reduce, if there is no commitment. But that's not what Bhartiya Sanskriti teaches us. Grihasth ashram plays an important role in commitment. For a marriage to work successfully, one must grow out of selfish motives for the benefit of the entire family and be convinced in all the relations that come with the partner. This concept moved to the corporate world to work with all kind of personalities at different platforms.

Now, the question arises, where do we miss out on our commitment towards our true Self, our Guru Parampara?

Guru Maa’s New Year blessing for us :-

“May the dawn of the new year bring enthusiasm to work for worthy causes, inner peace for purposeful progress and satisfaction of whatever is attained by God's grace.” Maa explained the three main factors in this quote - Enthusiasm, Inner peace, Satisfaction.

“If I am not sufficiently committed to my cause, I will not be enthusiastic to fulfil it. Our spiritual progress is the only worthy cause. The world is ever-changing but the Subject is constant.”

Commitment towards the true Self is foremost for all true seekers. A seeker has to understand how to be committed. What is the actually commitment for me? Is it sufficient to be committed to my family, children, and wealth?

The seventh shlok of the second chapter of Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta is a beautiful shlok where Arjun ji understands his commitment to his family, but Sree Krishna encourages Arjun ji to stay committed to Dharm, which comes prior to kith & kin. He has to understand his commitment while fulfilling his duties. He surrenders to Lord Sree Krishna as His student and urges the Lord to guide him in choosing the correct path and what is best for him as His disciple. Similarly, as a saadhak, I have to understand my commitment to my saadhna without neglecting my worldly duties. Throughout the song Divine, the Lord explains how to stay committed to my divine path shown by Sree Guru Parampara, without neglecting worldly duties. Following the teachings of Sree Krishna will not make me indifferent or incompetent in the world, but rather will help me evolve.

Once I have committed, if I don't work towards it with conviction, it's a fake commitment. To fulfill the commitment, mind and intellect have to be directed towards the same with conviction to tread fearlessly on that path without any deviation. Arjun ji is then convinced and fully convicted as his delusion gets dispelled and he has regained his calm and composure. Without inner peace, purposeful progress is not possible and if there is no progress, then deviation from my true Self is inevitable. Our progress on this journey has to be supported by teachings of Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta. We have to be as convicted as Arjun ji to be guided and be blessed by Sree Krishna.

We get tired and dejected of our saadhna, from our conviction of the divine path of the Supreme very soon. The conviction of fulfilling my commitment cannot be short lived. It has to be a continuous process. Since the world is ever-changing, our continuous conviction on the committed path has to be deliberated upon or else we will roll downhill.

When we continuously strive to be on a certain path, our mind starts doubting our progress and conviction. Bhagwaan encourages all His seekers to seek HIM without any doubt, without fear, and HE ensures that HE will liberate us.

There will be many deviations, distractions, and disturbances on this sacred path. I should not get dejected or stray off the path, but keep treading on my committed path. Guru’s grace and blessings are always with me, and HE will keep me on this path. 

Satisfaction propells us on this path, dissatisfaction will dishearten us.  I should accept everything that comes my way as HIS grace and this will help me progress on my spiritual journey!

In the coming year 2025, I pledge to be more focused, spend more time on my saadhna, and convincingly be committed to this path.

This is according to my understanding of the Call Talk topic and I seek forgiveness for my mistakes.

My humble prostrations and gratitude to Maa for ever guiding me and encouraging me on this spiritual journey. Thank you Manish ji for organizing these Call-Talks which help me think, reflect and absorb.
