Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

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Ascending the Divine Ladder

Sree Geeta Jayanti & Sree Tapovan Jayanti


Hari Aum!

Invoking the grace of Sree Tapovan Maharaj ji for us to properly comprehend the sacred Scriptures and with the blessings of Lord Sree Krishna to courageously live upto His Supreme advice, Maa ji showered special blessings on NCR study circle on the auspicious day of Mokshda Ekaadashi, Sree Geeta Jayanti & Sree Tapavan Jayanti on 11th December 2024.

In addition to make us chant chapter 1, 12, 15 & 18 of Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta, Maa ji brought into our easy comprehension the following salient points from each of these chapters namely Arjun Vishaad Yog, Bhakti Yog, Purushottam Yog and Moksh-Sannyas Yog.

1.We must give up the possessiveness and align with Dharm.

2.With form or without form, I must be at His Lotus feet.

3.Develop the sword of asang for cutting asunder the world of Trigunatmika Maya having no beginning and no end and reach the target of Uttam Purush. (Generally we perceive only Kshar and at the most remember the Akshar Purush.)

It is Maya which is making us the machine. Leaving aside all Dharm-s take refuge in the Supreme because where there is Yogeshwar Sree Krishna and Arjun ji together, there are all the three (Good fortune, Victory and Prosperity).