Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

YEAR 2025

YEAR 2024

YEAR 2023

YEAR 2022

YEAR 2021


(QA with Study Circle & Talk on Sree Ram Raksha Stotra)

Sweta Kandoi
Aurangabad (CSN)

On the auspicious day of March 31st, the divine presence of Maa graced our home with Her enlightening visit. The day was filled with spiritual nourishment & insightful discussions, along with the members of our Study Circle.

The day began with welcoming Maa. As Maa arrived, we greeted her with Purnakumbha, a traditional & Vedic gesture of welcome and respect.

Members of our study circle had gathered for this special occasion, eager to partake the wisdom and guidance of Maa. The presence of Manish ji added to the sense of reverence and learning, as we prepared for a day of spiritual enrichment.

The highlight of the visit was a stimulating Q&A session with Maa and Manish Ji, where members had the opportunity to seek clarity on various spiritual matters. The doubts were clarified, and new insights were gained.

Following the Q&A session, we sat down together for a hearty breakfast, enjoying the warmth and joy of shared spiritual exploration.

After breakfast, we delved into the study of the Sree Ram Raksha Stotram, a powerful hymn that invokes the blessings and protection of Lord Sree Rama.

As the day drew to a close, I felt a deep sense of gratitude for the opportunity to have Maa and Manish ji in our midst. Their wisdom and guidance had touched my heart and mind, leaving me inspired and uplifted. Though due to medical reasons I could not attend other sessions and felt a personal loss.

Maa's visit to Aurangabad was truly memorable and blissful. I look forward to carrying the light of this experience forward, enriching my life with the wisdom that I have gained.