Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

YEAR 2025

YEAR 2024

YEAR 2023

YEAR 2022

YEAR 2021

Reminiscing the Glories of Lord Sree Ram

Delhi NCR

Humble Prostrations at The Holy Feet of Guru Maa!

Sree Ram Charit Manas - Ayodhya Kand, was taken by Maa in Hindi, in the months of March and April 2023. All members with family and friends attended the Talk in the peaceful and serene environment of SISS. The first session began at 11.00 a.m followed by subsequent sessions with little breaks for lunch Prasad and tea, till 6.30 p.m, followed by Arati at Sree Ishwar Darshan Temple. We welcomed Maa with Purnakumbh and the Vedic Arati. After we offered our prostrations at The Holy Altar, Maa began the Holy Text by chanting Dhyaan Shlokas first. We all would chant after Maa.

The explanation of the Holy text by Maa was from the view point of Vedant philosophy, and at some places we get to know how the society thinks socially. We got an insight into who is Lord Sree Ram, Mata Seeta, Laxman ji, Bharat ji. The story of The Ramayana told by Maa in narrative form has been very interesting to hear as we would go through expressions of joy - when Sree Ram would be crowned as the King; seriousness - oh! why did Kaikeyi mata listened to Manthra?; love - which was seen in the eyes of The Lord for one and for all; satisfaction - when Laxman ji had to seek permission from Sumitra Mata to escort Sree Ram for 14 years of exile; serene - on seeing Seeta mata’s devotion towards Sree Ram; sad - to see Dashrath ji in sorrow when Sree Ram leaves Ayodhya.

Maa explained the significance of all the events taking place in the text from a different point of view. We also get the code of conduct as to how we should be with the Gurus, elders, siblings, in grihastashram, and the discipline of speech. The text is also a storehouse of advices to learn from and how to apply them in our daily lives. We can also learn from examples from the text as to how to pursue with our duties in life. There is a learning from each character and each event and I feel blessed and fortunate to be able to hear the Holy Scripture in person from Guru Maa, at The Holy Feet of Sree Guru Parampara, in the Holy premises of SISS.

I am thankful to Manish ji for giving us this beautiful opportunity and also for recording the Holy text, for the benefit of us all, as we get the treasure of the words of wisdom of the Guru, that we can carry with ourselves with convenience in the form of USBs.

We all offered Samashti Bhiksha and Kshama Prarthana with Gratitude to Guru Maa, on the day of conclusion of the text. I look forward for the next session of Sree Ram Charit Manas – Aranya Kand, attending with family and friends.

It is a moment of great joy as Maa brings the whole course of events of The Ramayana live for us to experience!

Offering my gratitude at The Holy Feet.

Hari Aum!