Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

YEAR 2025

YEAR 2024

YEAR 2023

YEAR 2022

YEAR 2021

Seek Him!

Sweta Kandoi
Chh. Sambhaji Nagar

Hari Aum!

Prostrations at the Lotus feet of Sree Guru Parampara and Her Holiness Maa Purnanandaji!

It is unbelievable that within a span of 45 days, both Anant and I were blessed to do Mata ji’s Paad puja (in March – Sambhaji Nagar) and then Sree Adi Shankaracharya ji’s Paaduka Puja in April on His Jayanti at SISS in Noida.

On the morning of 24th April, we offered Arati in Sadguru Sharanam followed by Gurudev's message. The essence of the message was to find God within ourselves and not in the world outside.

At around 10.00 a.m, members of the Noida Study Circle arrived, and we did preparations for the Puja. did Poorna Kumbh, followed by Arati of Sree Ishwara at the Ishwar Darshan Temple.

We came back to Sadguru Sharnam and Mata called us both (Anant and me) for Sree Adi Shankaracharyaji’s Paaduka Puja.

It was unbelievable! Such an auspicious Puja and we had the golden opportunity to perform it. With humility and gratitude in my heart we sat in front of the Altar with a whole lot of reverence. 

After the completion of the Puja, we took blessings and prasad from Mataji. 

We had Maha Prasad with Maa, Chaitanya ji and study circle. I must mention the halwa for the Maha Prasad was made by Chaitanya ji and was so very delicious!

After this, around 2.00 p.m we humbly asked for departure permission and with hearts full of gratitude we left SISS (home away from home) praying and hoping to be back very soon!

These 2 days were a Teerth for me - definitely some Grace from Lord only could have made this possible! 

Hari Aum!