Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

YEAR 2025

YEAR 2024

YEAR 2023

YEAR 2022

YEAR 2021

Welcoming the Spirit of SISS

परम पूजनीय माँ के चरणों में सादर प्रणाम।

माँ के आतिथ्य का सौभाग्य पाकर कृतकृत्य हो गए। माँ की प्रेरणा से परिवार के सब सदस्य भी एकत्रित हो गए। माँ के रेहने से घर में उत्सव का सा वातावरण हो गया और सब कुछ मंगलमय लगने लगा। सुबह शाम माँ के साथ सत्संग और दिन भर माँ का सानिध्य आनंदपूर्ण और ज्ञानवर्धक रहा ।

माँ, आपको देख कर हर पल हम सब को, ‘परम सत्य ही जीवन का ध्येय होना चाहिये’, इस बात का ज्ञान होता है । माँ, यह समझ में तो आता है पर जीवन में उतार नहीं पाते हैं, सो आशीर्वाद दें कि हम आपके बताए पथ पर चल सकें । 

"ऎ माँ, तेरी सूरत से अलग भगवान की सूरत क्या होगी "

माँ, आपका सानिध्य प्रभु से निकटता ला देता है। अब यह सौभाग्य शीघ्र ही मिले, ऐसा कुछ करियेगा । माँ, जो भी हम लोगों से भूल चूक हुई है, उसे क्षमा करें और भविष्य में शीघ्र ही सेवा का अवसर दें ।

कविता बजोरिया
औरंगबाद (छ.स न)

With divine enthusiasm in our hearts, every study circle member of Aurangabad had been preparing for Maa's arrival, and blessed was the day when we got Her Divine darshan on the 27th.

Little did we know, what was awaiting us the next day!

Our enthusiasm knew no bounds when the very next day we all were held spell bound with Manishji's arrival to Aurangabad after several years! It was indeed a pleasant surprise for all members, as well as other extended families. All of us were doubly blessed to get a chance to attend the sessions with Maa and spend good time with Manish ji, interacting with him on different topics. Our mundane outlook got a very different perspective. We were fortunate to have a lot of discussions on varied topics. Though every fortnight Manish ji painstakingly answers all our Spiritual queries online; his feedback to us on our actions in our routine set up and daily activities was very valuable. It was an eye opener to learn to catch our actions play hide and seek with Shreyas and Preyas. His presence and guidance redirected our thoughts and actions towards imbibing the teachings imparted by Maa.

We have learnt from Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta where Lord says that the Divine Consciousness makes all beings function; we experienced this truth in the Divine presence of the spirit of SISS (Maa ji & Manish ji)

We hope and pray for more of such blessed opportunities in future.

With humble gratitude,

Aurangabad Study Circle