Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

YEAR 2025

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YEAR 2021

Sree Geeta Jayanti and Sree Tapovan ji Maharaj Jayanti

Delhi - NCR

Humble Prostrations at The Holy Feet of Sree Guru Parampara!

Sree Geeta Jayanti and Sree Tapovan ji Maharaj Jayanti were celebrated on 14thDec 2021 at SISS. We began this auspicious day by reading the message given to all by Maa, in the form of “Blessings”. We welcomed Maa with Purnakumbh and offered our prayers at Sree Ishwara Darshan Temple. The blowing of the conch was indeed Divine!

We came back to Sadguru Sharanam and offered Sree Guru Paduka Shodashopachaar Puja at The Holy Feet. The Holy Altar was adorned with Tulsi

leaves and Lantena flowers. The beautiful idol of Sree Krishna stood in magnanimity, shining in Its glory and Its victory.

In Rajopchaar, we all chanted Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta with Maa. We were completely trying to keep up with the tone and pace of Maa, which was so energetic and unbeatable both in its speed and clarity. At the end of the chapter, there was ringing of the bell and offering of Tulsi Leaves. The gist of the chapter lies in the last verse and each chapter was explained by Maa. We were fortunate to receive the Blessings, which was followed by a sumptuous Mahaprasad, that added to our joy.

We sat in Brahm-Udyaan, enjoying winter morning Sun, with the breath of fresh air and its fragrance, while the eyes fully indulged in admiring the beauty of Mother Nature in its colourful form. We had sugarcane and were happy to see how Pablo enjoyed chewing it the most!

I express my heartfelt gratitude at The Holy Feet of Guru Maa, and to Manishji

Hari Aum!