Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

YEAR 2025

YEAR 2024

YEAR 2023

YEAR 2022

YEAR 2021


Garden BalSatya - Dubai

Hari Aum!

Our Humble Pranaams at Maaji's Lotus Feet!

Our Humble Pranaams to Manish ji!

My heartfelt thanks to Manish ji for giving this blessed opportunity to Balsatya parents and children to listen to Maaji. It's truly Guru's compassion to spend exclusive time with us.

Maaji's interaction began with invocation by Balsatya children.

Maaji gave a small Talk about, how children should be sincere and devoted to their parents and teachers, and how parents should guide the children on the right path. Parents and children asked variety of questions, for which Maaji answered very patiently.

Parents had concerns regarding the current scenario, and requested Maa to explain how to handle the Mind-Intellect equipment. Maaji prescribed regular and constant practice of Puja and Japa, plus daily reading of Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta. Irrespective of the changes in environment we have to keep evolving Spiritually to become stronger to overcome our difficulties.

Parents are concerned about children using gadgets the whole day for various purposes. Maa advised that as great saints have always done, we have to utilise the best part of modern technology in a very Spiritual way.

Children also beautifully questioned about overcoming fear and emotions. Maaji said that it showed that they were observing themselves and wanted to come out of these feelings. Maaji prescribed Japa Mantra to the children and blessed them that they would overcome fear, over-sensitivity and other emotions and finally win over them. Children too felt blessed having heard such Divine words from Maaji.

Finally, Maaji encouraged parents to join the Study Circle. Only when children see parents walking on the Spiritual path, they will follow the same and look up to their parents for guidance. Since children ape parents and look at them as their role model, it's very important for parents to be aligned with Divinity and associate themselves in Satsang and Study Circles where Scriptures are being read and discussed. This will motivate children and give them confidence to walk the path their parents have taken.

On behalf of Gardens Balsatya parents and children, I thank Maaji for taking out exclusive time to guide us on the right path.
