Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

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The Purification Within Me

(Maha Abhishekam of Sree Ishwara at SISS – 8th Nov’22)


Hari Aum!

Humble prostrations at the Holy Altar of Sree Ishwara.

For me, Kartik Purnima is synonymous with the sacred Abhishekam of Sree Ishwara at the Ishwar Darshan Temple at SISS. The radiant complete, “purna” moon, and the brilliance of Sree Ishwara with the three facets of Creation, Sustenance and Dissolution, reminding one of “Poornata”, makes my heart overwhelmed and feel the divine blessing.

The Retreat which preceded this auspicious day was on a profound text, “Maneesha Panchakam” by Jagadguru Sree Adi Shankaracharya ji. We participants were already in a mesmerized state by Maa ji’s discourses on the same, and nothing would have been more perfect than the ‘Yagnya’ and ‘Abhishekam’ of Sree Ishwara to follow.

Chaitanya ji being his immaculate self, had distributed duties between us devotees, and the Sadgurus showered their blessings for a flawless Yagnya-Puja-Abhishekam ceremony.

All devotees with complete reverence, welcomed Mata ji with Purnakumbh. Maa led us all to the Ishwar Darshan temple. In Her Holy presence, the pandit jis started the puja followed by yagnya, with Chaitanya ji officiating as the yajmaan. SISS and our hearts reverberated with divine chants.

Our minds were focussed and prepared for the Abhishekam ceremony of Sree Ishwara. This is the only one time that the devotee is blessed with an opportunity to step inside the Garbh griha and offer Abhishekam to Sree Ishwara. As I offered Abhishekam and was going around the Trinity Idol, I felt an inner purification, my head bowed down in gratitude.

Sree Ishwara then adorned in beautiful parrot green and red, glittering with ornaments, with a bejewelled crown, appeared pleased and smiling at us. We stayed overawed by the divine sight and offered Mangal Aarti to the Trinity.

During the QA session with Maa later, Maa ji told us that the right thought that we should carry with us during the Abhishekam of Sree Ishwara is that of the Vishwa Virat Swaroop (Vishwaroop Darshan explained in Ch 11 of Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta). It truly was!

The lunch prasad was relished by all, the air was full of festivities and exuberance.

We had been advised to follow the schedule such that the lunch prasad would be served by 12.30 noon, in lieu of the Lunar eclipse on that day. We all wondered how smoothly the schedule went as planned, everything was in a rhythm, in sync.

Koti koti pranaam to Maa ji, we are forever grateful to her.

Pranaam to Chaitanya ji, and dhanyavaad to him for what SISS brings to us.

Dhanyavaad to complete staff of SISS for their dedicated work. It always amazes me to see their dedication - early in the morning, even before complete sun rise, in any season of the year, I have always seen them working around the SISS campus with the same swiftness and quietude. There is so much to learn from this Holy land.

Humble gratitude and prostrations to Sree Guru Parampara!