Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

YEAR 2025

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The True Festive Spirit

Alpa Dani
Bur Dubai Study Circle,

Hari Aum.

I bow down at the Lotus Feet of Sree Guru Parampara.

With Her divine grace, I am blessed to make myself aware of the right import of festivals celebrated, not limiting it to mere indulgence in feast and fervor.

The online Call Talk by Maa “The Creator and the Creatrix” focused on the upcoming auspicious occasions of Sree Ganesh Chaturthi, Shraaddhpaksh and Shaardeeya Navratri.

We invoke Lord Sree Ganeshji as the Creator - Kartaa, Dhartaa and Vighnahartaa. The ‘Total Creation’ and my own Prakriti is the ‘Creatrix’. I have to decondition myself to be with Totality. During Shraaddh paksh, we should pray and pay obeisance to our ancestors to bless us, to evolve and go to higher planes and eliminate transmigration.

The Creator and Creatrix - The Purush and Prakriti can be better understood if we contemplate on Lord Shivji & Devi Parvati as Fire & Heat, Bhagwaan & Bhagwati, Cause & Effect, Dormant & Dynamic. This was more easily understood by the example of Mud which is dormant, and how a big tree is created if we put a seed in it.

Devi Parvati is Shaktiroop. At the onset of Shaardeeya Navratri we bow down to Bhagwaan (Creator) and Bhawani (Creatrix) to bless us with inner strength and take away all negativity, enhance our Prakriti and tune our hearts with the prayer “Roopam Dehi, Jayam Dehi, Yasho Dehi, Dwisho Jahi”.

We should pay attention to the Dormant within & without, which is creating effects - the individual creation in form of words and deeds, ”Yatha Pinde Tatha Brahmande”.

By worshipping the Creator and Creatrix on auspicious days, with sincerity of purpose and understanding, reminds us throughout the year to pray, contemplate and focus on our Sadhana, to get evolved and work upon ourselves.

I have summarized the topic as per my limited understanding, I humbly seek forgiveness for my mistakes of omission and commission.

Prostrations at The Holy Feet of Maa and my humble pranaam to Chaitanya ji.

Hari Aum!