Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Being with myself

YEAR 2024

YEAR 2023

YEAR 2022

YEAR 2021

YEAR 2020

Can Society and Spirituality go Hand-in-Hand?

(Talks in Chennai)

Hari Aum!

On April 25th 2024, we were blessed with the opportunity to welcome Maaji at our Chennai home. We were delighted to meet Her and seek Her blessings in the hurried midst of our hectic lives.

Our afternoon went by in anticipation of our evening's Satsang. Initially, we were unsure of what topics to discuss, however as the Satsang began, an hour seemed insufficient to satisfy our curious minds and discuss all the Spiritual insights, Maaji prompted us with.

Maaji initiated the Satsang with a simple yet intriguing question, "What is the difference between Spiritual Connection and Social Connection?"

One of the members suggested that Spiritual connection only brings benefits and consistently elevates individuals, while social connection may also have downfalls. Another aspirant added that Spiritual connection instils a sense of calmness.

Maaji responded by emphasizing the uniqueness of Spiritual connection, highlighting that when individuals surrender themselves to THE ONE with complete devotion and faith, it instils harmony within the society, resulting in a more harmonized and non-chaotic lifestyle. Whereas social connections, not universally experienced, lead to discrepancies in understanding the relationships with each and everyone around them.

She proceeded discussing the magic and power of Kaliyug Maha Mantra

"Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare, Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare"

This Maha Mantra is such a special Mantra, that has no limitations on where or how to chant. In this world of such chaos and negativity, this Mantra is much needed, that by just chanting, one can elevate themselves to their higher Self.

Maaji emphasised the importance of Mantras and chanting them with complete devotion while surrendering to the Divine.

One of the members asked, "In a world surrounded by negativity, how does one avoid straying from the path of Spirituality and how does one continue to have faith and devotion when every day we hear about so many unfortunate incidents around the world?"

Maaji shed light upon the fact that we should prepare our mind in such a way that it is not affected by worldly activities. Chanting Mantras generates positive vibrations that strengthens both our faith and calms the mind to face disturbances from objective world.

This prompted another attendee to ask that, “there are people in this world who are not arrogant, even though they aren’t on the path of Spirituality. Conversely there are people who are on this path, yet are arrogant! How?”

Maa ji clarified that the Divine path when followed with full surrender, keeps us from being affected by distractions from within and outside. It has only positive impacts and will liberate us of ego. The state of mind being calm becomes steady in all situations. Maaji also added that all we do is argue, keep questioning, which is pointless. We cannot assume we will have faith even after we get sufficient understanding. We should start with faith on the Truth as shown by our Sree Guru Parampara, so that we can start contemplating and acquire knowledge. So, it is important to have unwavering faith and trust initially. Currently with our limited understanding, we cannot know the importance, or see the results or obtain answers to our questions unless we take that first step."

Religion is a binding force that strengthens our faith and helps us remain firm in our beliefs and principles. As seekers, it is our duty to have a good understanding of our religion and culture and to remain faithful and steadfast in our Spiritual and traditional practices.

One of the seeker voiced his concern, “While some are blessed with the fortune of having a Guru to guide them to the right path, many are not”

This prompted a discussion on the importance of Sree Guru and how the Guru guides us and enlightens us with knowledge and understanding of the Divine.

Enthralled by various topics discussed during Satsang, that drowned us in our own peace of mind; we hadn't realised how two hours had gone by!

It was a blessed evening to converse and understand about the various beautiful aspects of Spirituality. We ended the day’s Satsang with Keertan, offering our pranaams to Sree Guru Parampara.

My Pranaams to Maa ji and my humble apologies for any misinterpretations

Pragnya Sri

Hari Aum!

I was contemplating on being non-judgemental in our worldly interaction and found slipping away many a times. When Maaji showered Her love and graciousness upon us, it clearly made me understand what non-judgemental love means. I seek blessings of Maaji to practice and sustain without any slip.

Suresh V.P