Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

YEAR 2025

YEAR 2024

YEAR 2023

YEAR 2022

YEAR 2021

Deepawali – 2021!

Anant Kandoi
Aurangabad, (Maharashtra)  

This year, Deepawali came with a difference!

Sweta and I were alone for Deepawali and with the Almighty’s grace, a thought came to mind - that of spending the festival at SISS!

I duly sought Manishji’s permission for the same, which he granted! 

4th December - We reached SISS at 9.30 am. The moment we entered the doors, a sense of calmness and serenity enveloped us.

It was a beautiful morning; the grass was wet with dew. We went to Sree Ishwara Darshan Temple and took darshan of Sree Ishwara.  A detailed and thoughtful inscription has been placed at the entrance to the temple - it lends so much meaning to the ‘Darshan’, ‘ Arati’ and ‘Parikrama’ that we offer.
Soon as we walked down, we met Manishji.  Gradually, other members of SISS from Delhi – NCR Study Circle also came in and it was very nice to meet them.
We did the morning Arati at the temple, after which we moved to Sadguru Sharanam, where there was a beautiful arrangement laid out for our Puja.

Mata made us do an elaborate Puja. A Diya was placed before us which was symbolic of Lord Sree Rama. To the most auspicious sounds of the Mantras being chanted by Guru Maa, we performed the Abhishek.

Post this, we all sat around Maa - a lot of chatting and laughter ensued. Prasad and lunch were a delicious combination of Lucchi, Aloo Dum and Mishti Doi, handed out lovingly on a Fig tree leaf to each one of us by Maa. 

It was a simple, yet most delicious Deepawali lunch, that I can think of. It was then time for the Delhi- NCR Study Circle members to depart and after offering Pranaam to Mata, they gradually left, but another treat was in store. Mata gave us all Deepawali presents!

It was just the four of us now - Mata, Manishji, Sweta and I. Oh and of course Pablo! who kept making his presence felt. We spoke for some time, after which we all dispersed for an afternoon nap.
Evening time was again so serene and quiet - we had a cup of tea in the Brahm-Udyan (gardens at SISS) with Mata and Manishji, followed by a walk. Mata lovingly pointed out all the varieties of plants and trees that were growing there and some lovely flowers and fruits all over the Ashram. We did the evening Arati at the temple, strolled around the lawns, sat with Mata and Manishji. All throughout there was a quietness and stillness that can’t be described.
A treat awaited us at dinner time - Chinese food!! Fried rice, chowmein and vegetables, and of course some Coca Cola to go with. After a hearty meal and sampling some delicious mithai’s, we sat up till late, asking questions, getting answers, words of wisdom and of course a whole lot of laughter - courtesy Manishji’s rendition of some jokes. We retired thereafter since we had an early flight to catch.

Getting up at SISS has always been a special feeling - from the moment that your eyes open, there is an air of positivity all around. We got ready and rushed out – After darshan at the temple, we took the opportunity to meditate in the most vibrant Swami Chinmayananda Dhyan Mandapam, just below the Garbhgriha of Sree Ishwara Darshan Temple. When we came out, Mata was already in the Brahm-udyan waiting for us. Manishji joined us shortly thereafter. A warm cup of tea and some parting words of wisdom. Later - we went to Sree Sadguru Sharanam for the Arati. Mata made us do the Arati - such a blessed feeling! All good things come to an end, and so it was with this. We offered our prostrations to Mata and warmly wished Manishji good bye.

It truly was a Deepawali with a difference - I cannot explain the feeling!
No phone calls and messages (did not miss it also), 
No running around to decorate the house (everything was anyways beautiful), 
No pressure to get dressed (it wasn’t about the attire at all), 
No meaningless banter (instead a lot of thoughts to ponder upon),
No elaborate meals (yet, food never tasted better), 
No music / crackers (silence has its own voice).

For anyone going to SISS, I would highly recommend a walk around the grounds - stop by and admire the flora and fauna. Do make note of the inscription / message at the entrance of the temple. Try and spend some time in Dhyan Mandapam - there is some sort of energy in there. 

Hari Aum!