Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

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The Path of Righteousness is the Path to Divinity

Noida (NCR)

Prostrations at the Holy feet of Gurumaa and at the Holy altar of Sree Guru Parampara.

On the eve of Shardeeya Navraatri, Maa ji enlightened us with the Call Talk on ‘The Mightiest and the Righteous‘. With Her lucid language, She made us understand how the mightiest may not always be righteous. For a seeker pursuing spirituality, inner might of righteousness is of utmost importance. Cultivating righteousness in our thought and action should be the sole purpose of ones’ life. The might of righteousness is important because the other ‘Might’- physical, emotional or intellectual is the expression of my weakness; ego only!

Maa explained how righteousness has been the pillar of spiritual strength in all 4 yugas of our Hindu culture. Our great Rishis have introduced many religious practices to fulfil the purpose of human life. Religious books like Manusmriti, Sreemad Bhaagwat Maha Puraan, the Mahabharat, Ramayan, Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta and more, teach us the glory of righteousness in different yugas. Their teachings elevate the humankind from deterioration of human values.

In Treta yug, there was loss of practice of austerity [Tapasya]. Dwaapar yug witnessed loss of Pavitrata [Purity] and compassion. There is complete destruction of human values in Kaliyug. What remains unchanged is Truth, which cannot be destroyed. Maaji says, Truth has infinite might which can only be sustained by continuous spiritual practices in Kaliyug. We should follow Maharshi Naradji’s footsteps by taking the name of Hari at all times to get back to Truth.

In Treta yug, we can take the example of Raavan from Ramayana. Though the mightiest [physical might], was very devoted, a highly acclaimed prosperous king of his time, but, his unrighteousness paved way for his downfall. On the other hand, Lord Sree Ram represents all pillars of being righteous, pure and compassionate. The Raavan in me should be sublimated in order to embrace ’Ram’ the Divinity in me.

Manusmriti is seen as the foremost Dharm-Shastra which describes ten profound means of Righteousness, Fortitude, Forgiveness, self-control, Non-stealing, Cleanliness and purity, Restraint over the senses, Knowledge, Wisdom, Truth and Calmness. We are blessed with such a great scripture like Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta in Kaliyug, which inspires us to work hard on the path of Dharm.

Maa ji says there may be hurdles on the path of righteousness, but there is always victory for the Righteous. Our Dusshera is truly celebrated if we abide by righteousness.

My humble pranaam again at Maaji’s lotus feet for guiding me in my spiritual journey. As a seeker, I will endeavour to be sincere and dedicated to Her instructions. This, I believe, can break open my knots of gunas, to be on the path of righteousness.

Hari Aum!