Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

YEAR 2025

YEAR 2024

YEAR 2023

YEAR 2022

YEAR 2021

We Saw God First on the 1st of This Year!

Noida - NCR

The year 2023 ended beautifully with Maa ji’s online Call Talk – ‘Meeting the Year Prayerfully & Gracefully!’ where-in, Maa ji enlightened that “prayer can be best performed when I am peaceful within”. And “grace cannot be achieved or attained, it is to be invoked. Establish Sree Ram as Atmaram”.

With such insightful & elevating thoughts, the New Year 2024 began with Sree Vishnusahastranaam Homam at SISS. Chaitanya ji (Manish ji) took the dynamic lead in offering the oblations along with NCR study circle members, while the potent names of Lord Sree Vishnu ji were getting emanated from the blissful core of Maa ji…

Ramo Viramo Virajo Margo Neyo Nayonayah,

Veerah Shaktimataam Shrestho Dharmo Dharmaviduttamah…

In management there is a concept called PDCA cycle (Plan, Do, Check, Act), a continual improvement process where 1st I fix a goal, then plan how I will achieve it. Once planning is done, I try out the steps I planned to achieve the goal, then I check whether it is working and giving the same results as I had estimated; if not, I go back and improve upon the steps I took. Once established in the process, I follow it again because I have to keep setting new standards as the earlier ones have now become my base standards and I need to further improve. We are trained to use this in our office work, but listening to the Call Talk, I thought that if we follow this PDCA cycle in our life to achieve our personal goals, then there is no question of not being able to keep up the resolutions taken and be fixed upon the final purpose of human life by the Grace of the Divine Reality.

Towards the conclusion of Homam, we virtually witnessed the Divine splendour of Lord Maha Vishnu in the Holy Fire!

May Lord’s Grace continue to flow…

Hari Aum!