Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

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Deeper Understanding of the Festivities for a Saadhak

Aditi Someshwar

Hari Aum!

The blessings of Sree Guru Parampara were showered upon the devotees of SISS today, with the ‘Call Talk’ by H.H.Maa Purnananda ji, the topic being “The Creator and the Creatrix”, that is, “Purush and Prakriti”.

Mata, in her loving and lucid way took us through the thought-provoking Vedant teachings – “Purush and Prakriti”, “Samashti and Vyashti”, “Pind and Brahmaand” to convey the deeper meanings to a saadhak of the auspicious days coming ahead, which we have been merely celebrating as festivals all along.

After a divine classical and melodious rendering of Mahakavi Kalidas ji’s Shyamala Dandakam Dhyana Shloka by Mythiliji, Mata ji started with the invocation prayer of Sree Ganpati Atharvasheersh Upanishad, where a devotee prays for auspiciousness in all perceptions, and blessings for the well being of all. Quoting the verses of the Upanishad, and its meaning – “He Himself is the Creator and the Creatrix”.

My sadhna begins from Sree Ganesh ji, on the upcoming festival of Sree Ganesh Chaturthi, strengthened through the nine nights of Navraatri. Through these nine nights, the practices I follow should be towards deconditioning myself to be one with the Totality, i.e., shed the darkness of ignorance to be one with Total Prakriti. The period between Sree Ganesh Chaturthi and Sharadeeya Navraatri is 15 days of Shraaddh for paying obeisance to my ancestors. This would make me more prayerful and seek their blessings to take me to the path of salvation and not bring me back to transmigrations.

The last day of Shraadh – Mahaalaya, one invokes the grace of Lord Shiv and Devi Parvati – Fire and Heat. One is dormant in the cause (Purusha) and the other is the effect (Prakriti).

Maa through her powerful words on Vedaant went on to explain ‘Mool-prakriti’ made up of three gunas. As I have been “identifying” with the gunas ever since, I continue to remain egocentric. As a saadhak I should be a witness / be an observer of the gunas, specially through Navraatri starting from Sree Ganesh Chaturthi.

Prostrations at Maa’s Holy Feet, I am blessed to be the recipient of these priceless thoughts and words. With the grace of Sree Guru Parampara, I feel sheltered by SISS.

Pranaam to Chaitanya ji for ‘CREATING’ this opportunity.

I pray that I can follow Mata’s guidelines sincerely through the auspicious days starting with Sree Ganesh Chaturthi!

Hari Aum!