Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

YEAR 2025

YEAR 2024

YEAR 2023

YEAR 2022

YEAR 2021

75th Independence Day, at SISS

(Delhi NCR)

Humble Prostrations at The Holy Feet of Guru Maa!

We are fortunate to meet every weekend at SISS, and eagerly look forward for our study circle classes, but this Sunday morning was special. August 15th is special for me, as it is for citizens of India. The country rose to its 75th year of Independence. The Spirits were soaring high. Patriotic songs heard from distances being played. As I halt to remember the sacrifices and the glory of our great martyrs and question myself what price as a citizen do I pay for this day? Being a student at SISS, I try to look for answers to my many questions under the guidance of Maa and Manish ji, which gives me support, strength and right course of direction to my thoughts and Spiritual beliefs. My gratitude, otherwise I would’ve kept fluctuating without any direction.

It was a bright sunny day. Maa spoke to us briefly about “What is Freedom”? After our class we all stepped out to gather near the National Flag in Brahm Udyaan. In Monsoons at SISS, it is a delight to see the showers of Blessings spread around, as lush greenery, in its different shades and colours. And the blossoming of Brahmkamal (only at night) has been a rare sight of the month.

Saluting the ‘Tricolour’ on the Holy lands of SISS 

Then came the most awaited moment of the day. We sang the National Anthem and The National song with Maa and Manishji. As I looked up at the tricolor, with saffron on top, the colour of sacrifice, I bow down at The Holy Feet of Maa. As I have seen Maa, the very ideal of sacrifice, purity, compassion, living the highest goal of life, inspiring us, by actions undertaken with uncompromising principles of honesty, sincerity and commitment. I seek for apologies for my limitations to define, but yet like a child, I take this liberty to express my feelings for Maa.

Manishji sang two lines, composed by him inspiring us to diligently follow our Spiritual path by overcoming mundane hindrances as fast as we can.

Blessed with guidelines to strengthen our prayers

We all went for darshan to The Sree Ishwara Darshan Temple, and were blessed with a new addition of a write up by Maa in the Temple. It is a complete information for our better learning, and answers a lot of our queries and hesitancy on the ‘why and how’ questions related to praying at The Temple. Then we all proceeded to have our sumptuous breakfast with Pablo first in line to have his Prasad.

Hearty and joyful celebrations at SISS

On 17th Aug, we joyfully celebrated Snigdha ji’s birthday, and Prapann ji’s 60th birthday at SISS (sharing a few memories below). Wishing them happiness and good health.

My humble gratitude at The Holy Feet of Guru Maa!

Hari Aum!