Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

YEAR 2025

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YEAR 2021

The All Auspicious Purifying Us All

Neena Kapur
Noida - NCR

Hari Aum!

My Humble Prostrations at the Holy Feet of Guru Maa!

Sree Maha Shivraatri was celebrated on 8th March 2024, in the Holy premises of SISS. The celebrations began at 6:30 pm by welcoming Her Holiness Maa Purnananda ji with Purnakumbh. After taking blessings from HH Maa ji, we all proceeded towards Sree Ishwara Darshan Temple to offer our prayers at The Holy Feet of Sree Ishwara and seek blessings of Sree Ishwara.

Lord Shiv ji’s Altar was beautifully decorated with flowers and vases with green plants around it. Shodashaupachara Puja and Sree Rudra Abhishekam of Lord Shiv was performed in the guidance of HH Maa ji. Shodashaupachara Puja was done by Sri Prapann ji and Sri Amaan ji. Each one of us chanted Sree Rudram and did Sree Rudra Abhishekam of Lord Sree Shiv.

Along with H H Maa Purnananda Ji, we all sang bhajan in praise of Lord Shiv and chanted Om Namah Shivay.

It was a very blissful holy experience for me, to be a part of Sree Maha Shivraatri Puja at SISS in the divine presence of Guru HH Maa ji and Manish ji. I am truly blessed to be a part of SISS and participate in Sree Maha Shivraatri Puja, in such a pious and serene environment under the guidance of respected Gurus. Honestly, this is the first Sree Maha Shivraatri Puja, which I participated step by step, from start to finish.

I pray to Almighty Lord to bless us all to be dedicated in our spiritual journey and help us to be on the Righteous path.

My humble Pranaam again at H H Maa ji’s Lotus feet for guiding us on our Spiritual journey.

Hari Aum!