Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

YEAR 2025

YEAR 2024

YEAR 2023

YEAR 2022

YEAR 2021

The Path & The Goal

Hari Aum,

The topic on which Maa spoke was ‘Earn, Yearn & Learn.’ The whole creation is moving in a cycle.

When we want to move from material to Spiritual path, the direction and thought process given to us in the Call – Talk by Maa, became the path for us to hold on to in our pursuits. Earn the devotion, with invocation and blessings of Maa Durga. Then purity of intention is to be yearned in every action. Our words and deed will match, only when intention is clear and pure. There will be complete integrity. We should learn the Scriptures with the blessings of Maa Saraswati to get the right import, the lakshyaarth of the Scriptures.

Mamta Bagla

Hari Aum!

Today's Talk bestowed by Maaji was very enlightening and relevant for us. All the Deviji's Mantras were so well explained by Maaji. 

Regarding the talk about maintaining integrity during Puja, I could feel & correlate in my heart similar experience that I go through while doing my daily prayers. While praying, I find difficult to concentrate on the prayers, and all worldly Rajasik thoughts come to my mind. 

Time to time in between during the prayers, I try to come out of my thoughts and concentrate on the prayers but again sometimes I get carried away in my thoughts. 

However, my intentions are good and I am trying my best to be a better human being and do more selfless service. In this way I feel God will provide me with all the strength and enhancement in concentration. 

Hare Krisha Hare Krishna.. Krishna Krishna Hare Hare... Hare Ram Hare Ram..Ram  Ram Hare Hare...

Rajesh Jalan
Bala Satya Gardens
Dubai (UAE)